package got import ( "fmt" "strings" . "" "" G "" "" // . "" ) func CreateMainFile(project *Project) (err error) { spew.Dump(project.Custom) var ( Index = G.NewFile("main") address = strings.Join(strings.Split(project.BaseURL, ":")[1:], ":") goPackageRepository = project.Custom["go.package.repository"].(string) ) address = strings.Replace(address, "//", "", -1) Index.Id(`import ( `).Id(project.ID).Lit(goPackageRepository+"/build/v1").Id(` models `).Lit(goPackageRepository+"/build/v1/models").Id(` "" // Pacotes do framework web "os" "fmt" iris "" "" ) func main() { var ( err error ) if err = `).Id(project.ID).Id(`.InitEnvironment(); err != nil { panic(err) } app := iris.New() app.Logger().SetLevel("debug") // Optionally, add two built'n handlers // that can recover from any http-relative panics // and log the requests to the terminal. app.Use(recover.New()) app.Use(`).Qual("", "New").Id(`()) app.Use(api.DefaultCorsHandler()) api.BuildVersion = `).Id(fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, project.BuildVersion)).Id(` // session := &api.Mongo{ Config: os.Getenv("MONGO_CONFIG") } models.Api.Config = os.Getenv("MONGO_CONFIG") if err = models.Api.Init(); err != nil { panic(err) } if err = `).Id(fmt.Sprintf("%s.AppInitialize(app)", project.ID)).Id(`; err != nil { panic(err) } `).Id(project.ID).Id(`.Register(app) fmt.Println("API_VERSION: ", api.BuildVersion) app.Run(iris.Addr(os.Getenv("APP_ADDRS")), iris.WithoutServerError(iris.ErrServerClosed)) } `) if err = Write(fmt.Sprintf("%s/main.go", project.OutPath), Index); err != nil { return } path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/v1/app_initialize.go", project.OutPath) if !utils.FileExists(path) { AppInitialize := G.NewFile("v1") AppInitialize.Id(` import( iris "" ) func AppInitialize(app *iris.Application) error { return nil } `) if err = Write(path, AppInitialize); err != nil { return } } return nil } // app.RegisterView(iris.HTML("./public", ".html")) // app.Get("/", func(ctx iris.Context) { // ctx.View("index.html") // }) // app.HandleDir("/", "./public", iris.DirOptions{ // Asset: Asset, // AssetInfo: AssetInfo, // AssetNames: AssetNames, // // IndexName: "index.html", // default. // // If you want to show a list of embedded files when inside a directory without an index file: // // ShowList: true, // // DirList: func(ctx iris.Context, dirName string, f http.File) error { // // // [Optional, custom code to show the html list]. // // } // }) // app.SPA(app.StaticHandler("./public", false, false))