package gen import ( . "" ) var ServiceTemplate = ` [Unit] Description=Gojus Documentation= systemd-networkd-wait-online.service [Service] #Restart=on-failure #StartLimitInterval=86400 #StartLimitBurst=5 ; User and group the process will run as. #User=www-data #Group=www-data User=root Group=root ; Letsencrypt-issued certificates will be written to this directory. ;Environment="GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/apps/sys/gojus/ky.json" GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=173520589311 ; Always set "-root" to something safe in case it gets forgotten in the Caddyfile. ExecStart=/apps/sys/gojus/main -config=/apps/sys/gojus/config.production.json ExecReload=/bin/kill -USR1 $MAINPID #RootDirectory=/apps/sys/gojus WorkingDirectory=/apps/sys/gojus ; Limit the number of file descriptors; see "man systemd.exec" for more limit settings. LimitNOFILE=1048576 ; Unmodified caddy is not expected to use more than that. LimitNPROC=64 ; Use private /tmp and /var/tmp, which are discarded after caddy stops. PrivateTmp=true ; Use a minimal /dev PrivateDevices=true ; Hide /home, /root, and /run/user. Nobody will steal your SSH-keys. ProtectHome=true ; Make /usr, /boot, /etc and possibly some more folders read-only. ProtectSystem=full ; … except /etc/ssl/caddy, because we want Letsencrypt-certificates there. ; This merely retains r/w access rights, it does not add any new. Must still be writable on the host! ReadWriteDirectories=/apps/sys/gojus ; The following additional security directives only work with systemd v229 or later. ; They further retrict privileges that can be gained by caddy. Uncomment if you like. ; Note that you may have to add capabilities required by any plugins in use. ;CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE ;NoNewPrivileges=true [Install] ` func CreateServiceFile(project *Project) { }