/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ grammar IvannosysGrammar; @header { import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Stack; } @members { HashMap decfunc = new HashMap<>(); HashMap decmet = new HashMap<>(); HashMap decvars = new HashMap<>(); HashMap operandos; HashMap boolExpr; String travaOperandos = null; } // Estrutura de um programa init : buildtags? R_PACKAGE ID R_PT_VIRG imports* programPart+ EOF ; // Estrutura de um import imports : R_IMPORTE R_PAR_E import_part (import_part )* R_PAR_D | R_IMPORTE import_part ; import_part : ID? T_STRING ; // Fim do importe -> Ini partes do programa programPart : dec_const | dec_var | def_type | def_interface | def_function ; // Fim partes do programa -> Ini Declaracao de tipo def_type : R_TIPO ID ( structType | type ) ; def_interface : R_TIPO ID R_INTERFACE R_COL_E func_spec+ R_COL_D ; func_spec : ID arguments return_dec ; // Fim Declaracao de tipo -> Ini dec_var : R_VAR R_PAR_E dec_var_part+ R_PAR_D | R_VAR dec_var_part ; dec_var_part : id_list (type (R_EQ expression_list)? | R_EQ expression_list) ; dec_var_short : id_list R_SHORT_VAR expression_list // Declaracao reconhecendo o tipo do valor atribuido ; id_list : ID (R_VIRGULA ID)* ; // Fim Declaracao de variavel -> Ini Operacao de atribuicao def_assign_op : expression_list assign_modify? R_EQ expression_list ; assign_modify : R_OP_ADD | R_OP_SUB | R_OP_AST | R_OP_DIV | R_ASSIG_EXTEND | R_ASSIG_COPY ; // Fim Operacao de atribuicao -> Ini index : R_CHA_E expression R_CHA_D ; arguments // expression_list -> chamadas de funcao // expression_list_typed -> declaracao de funcao : R_PAR_E (expression_list | expression_list_typed (R_VIRGULA expression_list_typed)*)? R_PAR_D ; expression_list_typed : id_list? type ; // Ini - Constantes dec_const : R_CONSTANTE dec_const_part | R_CONSTANTE R_PAR_E dec_const_part (dec_const_part)* R_PAR_D ; dec_const_part : ID type? R_EQ primitive_value ; // Fim - Constantes -> Ini Funcoes def_function : R_FUNCTION receive_type? (name=ID)? arguments return_dec? def_block ; return_dec : type (R_VIRGULA type)* ; receive_type : R_PAR_E ID R_OP_AST? type R_PAR_D ; // Fim - Funcoes -> Ini Switch def_switch : R_SWITCH test R_COL_E def_case+ R_COL_D ; def_case : R_CASE expression_list R_COLON statement_list R_BREAK? | R_DEFAULT R_COLON statement_list ; statement_list : statement+ ; // Fim - Switch -> Ini Valores primitive_value : T_INTEIRO | (T_BOOL_TRUE | T_BOOL_FALSE) | T_CHAR ; // Fim - Valores -> Ini Chamada de funcao //def_funcao_call locals[String functionName] // :ID call_assinature {$functionName = $ID.text; } //funcao // ; // Fim Chamada de funcao -> Ini If def_if locals[int ltipo] : def_if_block (R_ELSE def_if_block)* (R_ELSE def_block)? ; def_if_block : R_IF test def_block ; // Fim If -> Ini Lacos def_for : R_FOR ( for_clause | for_each )? def_block // Like for ; for_clause : (initialization R_PT_VIRG)? test (R_PT_VIRG increment)? ; initialization :base_stmt ; test : expression | base_stmt (R_PT_VIRG expression)? ; increment :base_stmt ; for_each : primary_expr R_VIRGULA primary_expr ( R_EQ | R_SHORT_VAR) R_RANGE range ; range : expression ; // Fim Lacos -> Ini Retorno de funcao return_stmt : R_RETURN expression_list? ; //Regra produz recurssao de parametros em uma funcao. // Fim Retorno de funcao -> Ini expression_list : expression (R_VIRGULA expression)* ; expression // | expression BINARY_OP expression // | expression ('||' | '&&' | '==' | '!=' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '+' | '-' | '|' | '^' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '<<' | '>>' | '&' | '&^') expression : R_PAR_E expression R_PAR_D | unary_expr | expression op=( R_OP_MOD| R_END | R_OP_AST | R_OP_DIV| R_OP_ADD | R_OP_SUB ) expression | expression op=(R_SHIFT_LEFT | R_SHIFT_RIGHT) expression | expression op=(R_BIT_AND | R_BIT_XOR | R_BIT_OR) expression | expression op=(R_COMP_EQ | R_COMP_DIFF | R_COMP_LT | R_COMP_LTE | R_COMP_GT | R_COMP_GTE) expression | expression op=(R_OR | R_AND) expression ; unary_expr : op=(R_REFERENCE|R_OP_SUB|R_EXCLAMATION|R_OP_AST) primary_expr | primary_expr ; primary_expr returns[String id] : operand {$id = $operand.Value;} //#expr_operando// acesso de um operando | literal | pe = primary_expr index {$id = $pe.id;} //#expr_index// acesso de um index | pee = primary_expr expression_seletor {$id = $pee.id;} //#expr_selector// acesso de um atributo | pea = primary_expr arguments {$id = $pea.id;} //#expr_arguments// chamada de uma funcao ou metodo ; operand returns[String Value] : ID {$Value=$ID.text;} | primitive_value {$Value=$primitive_value.text;} ; literal : func_literal | composite ; base_stmt : | inc_dec | def_assign_op | dec_var_short | expression ; func_literal : R_FUNCTION arguments return_dec? def_block ; composite : literalType literal_value ; literalType : typename | structType | arrayType ; structType : R_STRUCT R_COL_E fieldDecl+ R_COL_D ; fieldDecl :(id_list type| anon_field) T_STRING? ; anon_field : R_OP_AST? typename ; arrayType : R_CHA_E expression? R_CHA_D typename ; inc_dec : expression op=( R_OP_PP| R_OP_SS) ; literal_value : R_COL_E ( (expression_list | element_list) R_VIRGULA )? R_COL_D ; element_list : keyed_element (R_VIRGULA keyed_element)* ; keyed_element : ID R_COLON expression ; expression_seletor : R_PONTO ID ; // Definicao de um bloco de instrucoes def_block locals[HashMap retornos = new HashMap<>();] : R_COL_E statement+ R_COL_D ; callExpr: | primary_expr arguments ; statement : dec_var_short //R_PT_VIRG | dec_var //R_PT_VIRG | def_assign_op //R_PT_VIRG | dec_const | inc_dec | primary_expr | label_stmt //| def_read R_PT_VIRG //| def_print R_PT_VIRG | return_stmt //R_PT_VIRG //| def_funcao_call R_PT_VIRG //| expression //R_PT_VIRG | delete //R_PT_VIRG | throwStmt | fallthroughStmt // dentro de um case do switch avanca para o proximo caso | def_if | def_for | def_switch | flux_control | try_catch ; // Fim da definicao de um bloco de instrucoes fallthroughStmt : R_FALLTHROUGH ; label_stmt : ID R_COLON statement ; throwStmt : R_THROW expression R_PT_VIRG ; // Inicio do try cath try_catch : R_TRY def_block catch_exception finally_try ? ; catch_exception : R_CATCH R_PAR_E dec_var R_PAR_D def_block ; finally_try : R_FINALLY def_block ; // Fim do try cath // Ids de controle de fluxo dentro do codigo flux_control locals[String control] : R_GOTO ID {$control = $R_GOTO.text;} | R_CONTINUE {$control = $R_CONTINUE.text;} | R_BREAK {$control = $R_BREAK.text;} ; // Definicao de new para alocar enderecos de memoria newstmt : R_NEW R_PAR_E type (R_VIRGULA T_INTEIRO)? R_PAR_D ; // Definicao de delete para liberar areas de memoria delete : R_DELETE expression( R_VIRGULA expression)? ; // Definicao dos tipos type returns[String ltype,String keytype,String valuetype] : typename {$ltype = $typename.ltype;} | indexedType {$ltype = $indexedType.ltype;} | mapType {$ltype = "map";} ; indexedType returns[String ltype] : typename {$ltype = $typename.ltype;} | index it=indexedType {$ltype = $it.ltype;} ; typename returns[String ltype, Boolean pointer] : ID {$ltype = $ID.text;} | qualifiedId {$ltype = $qualifiedId.text;} | baseType {$ltype = $baseType.ltype;} | R_OP_AST tn=typename {$ltype = $tn.ltype;} ; qualifiedId : ID R_PONTO ID ; baseType returns[String ltype] : R_INT {$ltype = $R_INT.text;} | R_BOOL {$ltype = $R_BOOL.text;} | R_CHAR {$ltype = $R_CHAR.text;} | R_STRING {$ltype = $R_STRING.text;} | R_ERROR {$ltype = $R_ERROR.text;} ; mapType returns[String keytype,String valuetype] : R_MAP R_CHA_E k=type R_CHA_D v=type { $keytype=$k.text; $valuetype=$v.text; } ; buildtags : build_stmt+ ; build_stmt : R_AT ID R_COLON buildvalue (R_VIRGULA buildvalue)* ; //buildtag // : BUILD_TARGET // | BUILD_PROFILE // | BUILD_CORESETTINGS // ; buildvalue : ID | R_LIT_STRING ; //DEFINICAO DE TOKENS ---------------------------------------------------------- //BUILD_TARGET :'target'; //BUILD_PROFILE :'profile'; //BUILD_CORESETTINGS :'coresettings'; R_BIT_AND : '&'; R_BIT_XOR : '^'; R_BIT_OR : '|'; R_SHIFT_LEFT : '<<'; R_SHIFT_RIGHT : '>>'; R_AT : '@'; R_DBL_SLASH : '//'; R_REFERENCE : '&'; R_INTERFACE : 'interface'; R_RANGE : 'range'; R_STRUCT : 'struct'; R_OP_MOD : '%'; R_VAR : 'var'; R_SHORT_VAR : ':='; R_GOTO : 'goto'; R_FALLTHROUGH : 'fallthrough'; R_MAP : 'map'; R_ERROR : 'error'; R_NEW : 'new'; R_DELETE : 'delete'; R_TRY : 'try'; R_CATCH : 'catch'; R_FINALLY : 'finally'; R_DEFAULT : 'default'; //R_PRINT : 'print'; //R_READ : 'read'; R_IMPORTE : 'import'; //R_INIT_LIBRARY : 'library'; R_PACKAGE : 'package'; //R_THREAD : 'thread'; R_TRAP : 'trap'; R_INT : 'int'; R_CHAR : 'char'; R_BOOL : 'bool'; R_STRING : 'string'; //R_OBJECT : 'object'; //R_ARRAY : 'array'; //R_EXCEPTION : 'Exception'; R_TIPO : 'type'; R_FUNCTION : 'func'; //R_METHOD : 'method';ARO R_CONSTANTE : 'const'; R_IN : 'in'; R_SWITCH : 'switch'; R_CASE : 'case'; R_FOR : 'for'; R_RETURN : 'return'; R_CONTINUE : 'continue'; R_BREAK : 'break'; R_THROW : 'throw'; R_ELSE : 'else'; R_IF : 'if'; //R_ASYNC : 'async'; //T_TRAP_SYNC : 'SYNC'; //T_TRAP_EXEC : 'EXEC'; //T_TRAP_SYNEXEC : 'SYNEXEC'; //T_TRAP_SEND : 'SEND'; //T_TRAP_RECEIVE : 'RECEIVE'; R_EXCLAMATION : '!'; R_PT_VIRG : ';'; R_PAR_E : '('; R_PAR_D : ')'; R_COL_E : '{'; R_COL_D : '}'; R_CHA_E : '['; R_CHA_D : ']'; R_EQ : '='; R_VIRGULA : ','; R_PONTO : '.'; R_COLON : ':'; R_END : '&' ; R_AND : '&&' ; R_OR : '||'; //Comparison R_COMP_EQ : '==' ; R_COMP_DIFF : '!='; R_COMP_LTE : '<=' ; R_COMP_LT : '<' ; R_COMP_GTE : '>=' ; R_COMP_GT : '>' ; //assing R_ASSIG_EXTEND : '::'; R_ASSIG_COPY : ':'; //arithmetic R_OP_DIV : '/'; R_OP_ADD : '+'; R_OP_SUB : '-'; R_OP_AST : '*'; R_OP_NEG : '!'; R_OP_SS : '--'; R_OP_PP : '++'; R_UND : '_'; R_INTERROGATION : '?'; T_CHAR : '\'' .? '\'' ; T_STRING : '"' .*? '"' ; T_BOOL_TRUE : 'true'; T_BOOL_FALSE : 'false' ; T_NULL : 'nil'; ID : LETTER ( LETTER | DIGITO )*; T_INTEIRO : DIGITO+ ; fragment LETTER : ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_') ; fragment DIGITO : '0'..'9' ; //ID : CHARACTER ( CHARACTER | DIGITO )* ; //fragment CHARACTER : [_a-zA-Z] // ; R_LIT_STRING : '`' .*? '`'; R_LINE_COMMENT : '//' .*? '\r'? '\n' -> skip ; // Match "#" stuff '\n' R_WS : (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+ -> skip ; R_COMMENT : '/*' .*? '*/' -> skip ; // Match "/*" stuff "*/" /* /* : ID literal_value #expr_literal | R_REFERENCE expression #expr_pointer | R_PAR_E expression R_PAR_D #expr_par | expression (R_PT_VIRG expression) #expr_chain_operacoes | expression op=(R_OP_AST | R_OP_DIV) expression #expr_arit_md | expression op=(R_OP_ADD | R_OP_SUB) expression #expr_arit_as | expression op=(R_COMP_LT | R_COMP_GT | R_COMP_LTE | R_COMP_GTE) expression #expr_comp_lt | expression op=(R_COMP_DIFF | R_COMP_EQ) expression #expr_comp_eqd | expression R_AND expression #expr_and | expression R_OR expression #expr_or | expression primitive_value #expr_primitive_value | expression ( R_OP_PP| R_OP_SS) #expr_inc_dec | R_OP_SUB expression #expr_negative | R_PAR_E type R_PAR_D expression #expr_assertion | R_EXCLAMATION expression #expr_neg_bool | expression R_INTERROGATION expression R_COLON expression #expr_ternary | def_function #expr_def_function | newstmt #expr_allocation | ID #expr_id ; inc_dec_stmt : ; def_object : R_COL_E (object_prop ( R_VIRGULA object_prop )*)? R_COL_D ; object_prop returns[String id] : ID R_COLON expression {$id = $ID.text;} ; address_access_dst : ID indices? access_prop ? ; access_prop : (R_PONTO ID indices?) access_prop ? ; address_access_src : ID indices? call_assinature? access_prop_src? ; access_prop_src : (R_PONTO ID indices? call_assinature?) access_prop_src? ; address : R_REFERENCE T_INTEIRO ; //| R_THREAD R_OP_AST* {$ltype = $R_THREAD.text;} //| R_FUNCTION R_OP_AST* {$ltype = $R_FUNCTION.text;} //| R_EXCEPTION R_OP_AST* {$ltype = $R_EXCEPTION.text;} //| def_method //| dec_trap //| dec_thread //| main call_from_return : (call_assinature | indices | access_prop_src) call_from_return ? ; boolena_operator : R_COMP_EQ | R_COMP_DIFF | R_COMP_LTE | R_COMP_GTE | R_COMP_LT | R_COMP_GT ; value : expression #expressionValue //| def_array #arrayValue | def_object #objectValue | address #pureAddressValue ; def_array : R_CHA_E ( value ( R_VIRGULA value )* )? R_CHA_D ; gen_list : def_array | address_access_src | def_funcao_call ; def_print : R_PRINT R_PAR_E list_values R_PAR_D ; def_read : R_READ R_PAR_E list_vars R_PAR_D ; list_vars : address_access_src (R_VIRGULA address_access_src)* ; param_list_dec : dec_var (R_PT_VIRG dec_var)* ; main : R_FUNCTION R_MAIN R_PAR_E param_list_dec? R_PAR_D R_COLON return_list def_block ; dec_thread : R_IN ID R_PAR_E param_list_dec? R_PAR_D def_block ; dec_trap locals[String label] : R_TRAP name=trap_id R_PAR_E param_list_dec? R_PAR_D def_block {$label = $name.text;} ; trap_id : (T_TRAP_SYNC |T_TRAP_EXEC |T_TRAP_SYNEXEC |T_TRAP_SEND |T_TRAP_RECEIVE) ; */