/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package common; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * * @author Eugenio */ public class RegistroBase { protected HashMap attr; protected HashMap> lists; public Instruction parent; public Instruction next; public Instruction prev; public HashMap> GetLists() { return lists; } public RegistroBase() { lists = new LinkedHashMap<>(); attr = new LinkedHashMap<>(); } public void addList(String nome, ArrayList lista) { lists.put(nome, lista); } public boolean existeLista(String nome) { return lists.containsKey(nome); } public void addInList(String nome, String value) { getList(nome).add(value); } public ArrayList getList(String nome) { if (!existeLista(nome)) { lists.put(nome, new ArrayList()); } return lists.get(nome); } public void setParent(Instruction n) { parent = n; } public String Get(String attrib) { return attr.containsKey(attrib) ? attr.get(attrib) : ""; } public String Get(String attrib, String orValue) { String val = Get(attrib); return (val.equals("")) ? orValue : val; } public String format(String f) { String value = ""; for (Map.Entry entry : this.getProps().entrySet()) { value = entry.getValue() != null ? entry.getValue() : "NULL"; f = f.replaceAll("\\{" + entry.getKey() + "\\}", value); } return f; } public RegistroBase Set(String attrib, String value) { attr.put(attrib, value); return this; } public RegistroBase Replace(String attrib, String regex, String value) { // attr.put(attrib, value); if (Has(attrib)) { RegistroBase.this.Set(attrib, Get(attrib).replaceAll(regex, value)); } return this; } public RegistroBase R(String attributes) { String[] attrs = attributes.split(","); for (String a1 : attrs) { if (this.attr.containsKey(a1)) { this.attr.remove(a1); } } return this; } public boolean testAndSet(String atributo, String cmp, String valor) { if (eq(atributo, cmp)) { RegistroBase.this.Set(atributo, valor); return true; } return false; } public boolean contem(String atributo, String part) { if (!Has(atributo)) { return false; } return Get(atributo).contains(part); } @Override public String toString() { String reg = ""; for (Map.Entry entry : attr.entrySet()) { String string = entry.getKey(); String string1 = entry.getValue(); reg += "\t" + string + ":" + string1 + ",\n"; } return ":\n" + reg; } public void sum(String atributo, int i) { if (!Has(atributo)) { Set(atributo, i); } else { try { int nu = getInt(atributo); Set(atributo, nu + i); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public RegistroBase Set(String attrib, Long valor) { RegistroBase.this.Set(attrib, "" + valor); return this; } public RegistroBase Set(String attrib, int valor) { RegistroBase.this.Set(attrib, "" + valor); return this; } public String getText() { return Get("value"); } public String getRegistroClass() { return Get("class"); } public String getValorOuVazio(String string) { return (attr.containsKey(string)) ? attr.get(string) : ""; } public boolean Has(String at) { return attr.containsKey(at); } public HashMap getProps() { return attr; } public void del(String atrib) { attr.remove(atrib); } public int getInt(String atributo) throws Exception { String l = ""; try { l = Get(atributo); return Integer.parseInt(l); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("[ID:" + Get("id") + "]O atributo {" + atributo + ":'" + l + "'} não é inteiro."); } } public long getLong(String atributo) throws Exception { String l = ""; try { l = Get(atributo); return Long.parseLong(l); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("[ID:" + Get("id") + "]O atributo {" + atributo + ":'" + l + "'} não é long."); } } public boolean eq(String attrib, String value) { if (!attr.containsKey(attrib)) { return false; } return attr.get(attrib).equals(value); } public boolean in(String atributo, String[] valores) { if (!attr.containsKey(atributo)) { return false; } boolean in = false; for (String valor : valores) { if (attr.get(atributo).equals(valor)) { in = true; break; } } return in; } public boolean diferente(String atributo, String valor) { return !attr.get(atributo).equals(valor); } /** * Verifica Se um dado atributo é numerico. * * @param atributo * @return */ public boolean isNumber(String atributo) { try { Integer.parseInt(Get(atributo).replaceAll("\\s*", "")); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * Copia o dado do regiStro r com atributio Fonte para regiStro atual * mantendo o nome do atributo * * @param atribs Fonte * @param r */ public RegistroBase copy(String attribs, RegistroBase r) { if (attribs.equals("")) { String key; for (Map.Entry entry : r.getProps().entrySet()) { key = entry.getKey(); Set(key, r.Get(key)); } } else { for (String attr : attribs.split(",")) { Set(attr, r.Get(attr)); } } return this; } /** * Copia o dado do regiStro r com atributio Fonte para o atributo deStino no * regiStro atual * * @param atribs Fonte * @param atribd DeStino * @param r */ public RegistroBase copy(String atribs, String atribd, RegistroBase r) { RegistroBase.this.Set(atribd, r.Get(atribs)); return this; } /** * Copy retorna um novo RegistroBase contendo todos os atributos do registro * fonte. * * @return */ public RegistroBase copy() { RegistroBase rb = new RegistroBase(); for (Map.Entry entry : attr.entrySet()) { rb.Set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return rb; } }