1. package compiler;
  2. /*
  3. Verificar operacao unaria negacao valor em laco
  4. * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
  5. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
  6. * and open the template in the editor.
  7. */
  8. import API.Api;
  9. import API.BuildParams;
  10. import API.Middleware;
  11. import API.Target;
  12. import Export.MultCoreJun;
  13. import Export.Simulation;
  14. import IntermediaryCode.IRGenerator;
  15. import java.util.logging.Level;
  16. import java.util.logging.Logger;
  17. import targets.mips.Translate;
  18. /**
  19. *
  20. * @author Eugenio
  21. */
  22. public class IVANNOSYS {
  23. protected static IvannosysCompiler COM;
  24. /**
  25. * @param args the command line arguments
  26. */
  27. public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  28. try {
  29. String cmd = "", file = "";
  30. if (args.length > 0) {
  31. cmd = args[0];
  32. }
  33. switch (cmd) {
  34. case "create":
  35. break;
  36. default:
  37. // Middleware.Add("mips.analise", new analise.AnaliseDependenciaMiddleware());
  38. // Middleware.Add("mips.module.scheduling", new analise.ModuleSchedulingMiddleware());
  39. COM = new IvannosysCompiler(
  40. "UTF-8",
  41. IvannosysCompiler.INPUT_FILE)
  42. .include(".\\src\\samples")
  43. .include(".\\src\\libs")
  44. // Especifica a classe de geração de codigo de tres enderecos
  45. .IRGenerator(new IRGenerator());
  46. // Extensao dos arquivos
  47. // .setExtensionLibrary(".go");
  48. // Inicializa a api do compilador
  49. Api.Init(COM);
  50. // Parametros de compilação
  51. BuildParams.Add("display.ERROS", "true");
  52. BuildParams.Add("display.IR", "true");
  53. BuildParams.Add("display.AST", "true");
  54. BuildParams.Add("mode", "developement");
  55. Simulation simulator = new Simulation(new tools.mips.MipsSettings() {
  56. {
  57. // Não executar passo a passo
  58. // Set("step.by.step", "true");
  59. // Necessario para poder usar os breakpoints
  60. // Set("mode", "debug");
  61. // Determina os pontos de para no codigo alvo
  62. // Set("breakpoints", "104,10c,30c,300,22c");
  63. // Set("breakpoints", "104,110");
  64. // Set("breakpoints", "108,110,114,37c,280,294");
  65. // Set("breakpoints", "5c,cc,154,1c0");
  66. // Caminho do arquivo de memoria de instrucoes
  67. Set("memory.instruction", "\\src\\tools\\mips\\memory\\mi.memory");
  68. // Tamanho da memorua de instrucoes 16 kb
  69. Set("memory.instruction.size", 16 * 1024);
  70. // Caminho do arquivo de memoria de dados
  71. Set("memory.data", "\\src\\tools\\mips\\memory\\md.memory");
  72. // Tamanho da memorua de dados 16 kb
  73. Set("memory.data.size", 16 * 1024);
  74. Set("memory.data.reset", "true");
  75. }
  76. });
  77. MultCoreJun JunExport = new MultCoreJun();
  78. // Especifica a classe de geração de código alvo mips
  79. Translate Mips = new targets.mips.Translate();
  80. // Adiciona dois metodos de exportação ao alvo mips
  81. // Metodo de simualcao
  82. Mips.AddExportOption("simulation", simulator);
  83. // Metodo exporta profile para arquitetura de juninho
  84. Mips.AddExportOption("MultCoreJun", JunExport);
  85. Target.Add("mips", Mips);
  86. Mips = new targets.mips.TranslateJun();
  87. // Adiciona dois metodos de exportação ao alvo mips
  88. // Metodo de simualcao
  89. Mips.AddExportOption("simulation", simulator);
  90. // Metodo exporta profile para arquitetura de juninho
  91. Mips.AddExportOption("MultCoreJun", JunExport);
  92. Target.Add("mipsjun", Mips);
  93. // Registra os processadores para o alvo mips
  94. // Executa alocacao de registradores antes de traduzir cada bloco
  95. Middleware.On("mips", "before.translate.block", "mips.register.alloc");
  96. // Middleware.On("mips", "after.translate.block", "mips.o.L1,mips.copy.dep");
  97. Middleware.On("mips", "after.translate.block", "mips.copy.dep");
  98. // Atualiza os enderecos de saltos e set no campo offset
  99. // Middleware.On("mips", "after.translate", "mips.update.address,mips.analise,mips.module.scheduling");
  100. // Middleware.On("mips", "after.translate", "mips.update.address,mips.module.scheduling");
  101. Middleware.On("mips", "after.translate", "mips.update.address");
  102. // cmd = "src\\samples\\program.go";
  103. // cmd = "src\\samples\\program.go";
  104. // cmd = "src\\samples\\program_mult_jon.go";
  105. // cmd = "src\\samples\\program_mult.go";
  106. // cmd = "src\\samples\\program_jun_bit_count.go";
  107. // cmd = "src\\samples\\program_jun_bit_count_1.go";
  108. // cmd = "src\\samples\\program_jun_lu.go";
  109. cmd = "src\\samples\\program_jun_quick.go";
  110. // cmd = "src\\samples\\program_jun_laplaciano.go";
  111. // cmd = "src\\samples\\program_jun_bytes.go";
  112. // cmd = "src\\samples\\program_jun_mult_manycore.go";
  113. // Compila o arquivo de entrada
  114. COM.Compile(cmd);
  115. }
  116. } catch (Exception ex) {
  117. Logger.getLogger(IVANNOSYS.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
  118. }
  119. }
  120. }
  121. /*
  122. <main>:
  123. 0: 0604504068 addiu t0,zero,4 .0 -- load param (p1)
  124. 4: 2886205440 sw t0,0(zero) .0 -- store content of t0 in _G1[0]
  125. 8: 0604569603 addiu t1,zero,3 .1 -- load param (p1)
  126. c: 2886270980 sw t1,4(zero) .1 -- store content of t1 in _G1[4]
  127. 10: 0604635141 addiu t2,zero,5 .2 -- load param (p1)
  128. 14: 2886336520 sw t2,8(zero) .2 -- store content of t2 in _G1[8]
  129. 18: 0604700674 addiu t3,zero,2 .3 -- load param (p1)
  130. 1c: 2886402060 sw t3,12(zero) .3 -- store content of t3 in _G1[12]
  131. 20: 0604766209 addiu t4,zero,1 .4 -- load param (p1)
  132. 24: 2886467600 sw t4,16(zero) .4 -- store content of t4 in _G1[16]
  133. 28: 0604831747 addiu t5,zero,3 .5 -- load param (p1)
  134. 2c: 2886533140 sw t5,20(zero) .5 -- store content of t5 in _G1[20]
  135. 30: 0604897282 addiu t6,zero,2 .6 -- load param (p1)
  136. 34: 2886598680 sw t6,24(zero) .6 -- store content of t6 in _G1[24]
  137. 38: 0604962819 addiu t7,zero,3 .7 -- load param (p1)
  138. 3c: 2886664220 sw t7,28(zero) .7 -- store content of t7 in _G1[28]
  139. 40: 0604241920 addiu a0,zero,0 .10 -- push param
  140. 44: 0604307463 addiu a1,zero,7 .10 -- push param
  141. 48: 0201326613 jal 54 <quickSortIterative+0x0> .10 -- jump to <quickSortIterative>
  142. 4c: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .10 -- Nop
  143. 50: 4294967295 stop -- End of programa
  144. <quickSortIterative>:
  145. 54: 0666763208 addiu sp,sp,-56 -- prolog| push stack frame
  146. 58: 2948464688 sw fp,48(sp) -- prolog| backup fp
  147. 5c: 2948530228 sw ra,52(sp) -- prolog| backup ra
  148. 60: 0001962017 addu fp,zero,sp -- prolog|copy fp ← sp
  149. 64: 2948857856 sw a0,0(fp) .0 -- pop param
  150. 68: 2948923396 sw a1,4(fp) .1 -- pop param
  151. 6c: 2412969992 lw s3,8(fp) .2 -- load content from _VTOP7 in s3
  152. 70: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .2 -- Nop
  153. 74: 0001261696 sll t0,s3,2 .3 -- _T10 = _S8 << 2
  154. 78: 2413035520 lw s4,0(fp) .4 -- load content from _VL3 in s4
  155. 7c: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .4 -- Nop
  156. 80: 0018759713 addu t0,t0,fp .5
  157. 84: 2903769100 sw s4,12(t0) .5 -- store content of s4 in _VSTACK11[_T10]
  158. 88: 0645070849 addiu s3,s3,1 .6 -- _S8 = _S8 + 1
  159. 8c: 2949840904 sw s3,8(fp) .7 -- store content of s3 in _VTOP7
  160. 90: 0001284129 addu s3,zero,s3 .8 -- copy _S8 ← _S8
  161. 94: 2949840904 sw s3,8(fp) .9 -- store content of s3 in _VTOP7
  162. 98: 0001265792 sll t2,s3,2 .10 -- _T14 = _S8 << 2
  163. 9c: 2413166596 lw s6,4(fp) .11 -- load content from _VH5 in s6
  164. a0: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .11 -- Nop
  165. a4: 0022958113 addu t2,t2,fp .12
  166. a8: 2908094476 sw s6,12(t2) .12 -- store content of s6 in _VSTACK11[_T14]
  167. ac: 0134217857 j 204 <quickSortIterative+0x1b0> .13 -- jump to quickSortIterative+_i3
  168. b0: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .13 -- Nop
  169. b4: 2413035528 lw s4,8(fp) .14 -- load content from _VTOP7 in s4
  170. b8: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .14 -- Nop
  171. bc: 0001333376 sll t3,s4,2 .15 -- _T17 = _S15 << 2
  172. c0: 2372665356 lw t4,12(t3) .16 -- load content from _VSTACK11[_T17] in t4
  173. c4: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .16 -- Nop
  174. c8: 2949382148 sw t4,4(fp) .17 -- store content of t4 in _VH5
  175. cc: 0647299071 addiu s4,s4,-1 .18 -- _S15 = _S15 - 1
  176. d0: 2949906440 sw s4,8(fp) .19 -- store content of s4 in _VTOP7
  177. d4: 0001351713 addu s4,zero,s4 .20 -- copy _S15 ← _S15
  178. d8: 2949906440 sw s4,8(fp) .21 -- store content of s4 in _VTOP7
  179. dc: 0001339520 sll t6,s4,2 .22 -- _T22 = _S15 << 2
  180. e0: 2379153420 lw t7,12(t6) .23 -- load content from _VSTACK11[_T22] in t7
  181. e4: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .23 -- Nop
  182. e8: 2949578752 sw t7,0(fp) .24 -- store content of t7 in _VL3
  183. ec: 0647299071 addiu s4,s4,-1 .25 -- _S15 = _S15 - 1
  184. f0: 2949906440 sw s4,8(fp) .26 -- store content of s4 in _VTOP7
  185. f4: 2413166592 lw s6,0(fp) .27 -- load content from _VL3 in s6
  186. f8: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .27 -- Nop
  187. fc: 2413232132 lw s7,4(fp) .29 -- load content from _VH5 in s7
  188. 100: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .29 -- Nop
  189. 104: 0001450017 addu a0,zero,s6 .31 -- push param
  190. 108: 0001517601 addu a1,zero,s7 .31 -- push param
  191. 10c: 0201326733 jal 234 <partition+0x0> .31 -- jump to <partition>
  192. 110: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .31 -- Nop
  193. 114: 0000147489 addu t0,zero,v0 .32 -- copy t0 ← v0
  194. 118: 2949120044 sw t0,44(fp) .33 -- store content of t0 in _VP83
  195. 11c: 2412970028 lw s3,44(fp) .34 -- load content from _VP83 in s3
  196. 120: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .34 -- Nop
  197. 124: 0644546559 addiu t2,s3,-1 .35 -- _T85 = _S84 - 1
  198. 128: 2412773376 lw s0,0(fp) .36 -- load content from _VL3 in s0
  199. 12c: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .36 -- Nop
  200. 130: 0022024234 slt v0,t2,s0 .37
  201. 134: 0339738646 bne zero,v0,190 <quickSortIterative+0x13c> .37 -- branch if not equals
  202. 138: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .37 -- Nop
  203. 13c: 2413166600 lw s6,8(fp) .38 -- load content from _VTOP7 in s6
  204. 140: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .38 -- Nop
  205. 144: 0651558913 addiu s6,s6,1 .39 -- _S87 = _S87 + 1
  206. 148: 2950037512 sw s6,8(fp) .40 -- store content of s6 in _VTOP7
  207. 14c: 0001486881 addu s6,zero,s6 .41 -- copy _S87 ← _S87
  208. 150: 2950037512 sw s6,8(fp) .42 -- store content of s6 in _VTOP7
  209. 154: 0001466496 sll t4,s6,2 .43 -- _T90 = _S87 << 2
  210. 158: 2413232128 lw s7,0(fp) .44 -- load content from _VL3 in s7
  211. 15c: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .44 -- Nop
  212. 160: 0027156513 addu t4,t4,fp .45
  213. 164: 2912354316 sw s7,12(t4) .45 -- store content of s7 in _VSTACK11[_T90]
  214. 168: 0651558913 addiu s6,s6,1 .46 -- _S87 = _S87 + 1
  215. 16c: 2950037512 sw s6,8(fp) .47 -- store content of s6 in _VTOP7
  216. 170: 2413035564 lw s4,44(fp) .48 -- load content from _VP83 in s4
  217. 174: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .48 -- Nop
  218. 178: 0646971391 addiu t7,s4,-1 .49 -- _T93 = _S92 - 1
  219. 17c: 0001486881 addu s6,zero,s6 .50 -- copy _S87 ← _S87
  220. 180: 2950037512 sw s6,8(fp) .51 -- store content of s6 in _VTOP7
  221. 184: 0001491072 sll t8,s6,2 .52 -- _T95 = _S87 << 2
  222. 188: 0052346913 addu t8,t8,fp .53
  223. 18c: 2936995852 sw t7,12(t8) .53 -- store content of t7 in _VSTACK11[_T95]
  224. 190: 2413232172 lw s7,44(fp) .54 -- load content from _VP83 in s7
  225. 194: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .54 -- Nop
  226. 198: 0652804097 addiu t1,s7,1 .55 -- _T97 = _S96 + 1
  227. 19c: 2412969988 lw s3,4(fp) .56 -- load content from _VH5 in s3
  228. 1a0: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .56 -- Nop
  229. 1a4: 0020123683 subu v0,t1,s3 .57
  230. 1a8: 0071368726 bgez v0,204 <quickSortIterative+0x1b0> .57 -- branch if register >= 0
  231. 1ac: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .57 -- Nop
  232. 1b0: 2412838920 lw s1,8(fp) .58 -- load content from _VTOP7 in s1
  233. 1b4: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .58 -- Nop
  234. 1b8: 0640745473 addiu s1,s1,1 .59 -- _S99 = _S99 + 1
  235. 1bc: 2949709832 sw s1,8(fp) .60 -- store content of s1 in _VTOP7
  236. 1c0: 2412773420 lw s0,44(fp) .61 -- load content from _VP83 in s0
  237. 1c4: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .61 -- Nop
  238. 1c8: 0638320641 addiu t4,s0,1 .62 -- _T101 = _S100 + 1
  239. 1cc: 0001148961 addu s1,zero,s1 .63 -- copy _S99 ← _S99
  240. 1d0: 2949709832 sw s1,8(fp) .64 -- store content of s1 in _VTOP7
  241. 1d4: 0001140864 sll t5,s1,2 .65 -- _T103 = _S99 << 2
  242. 1d8: 0029255713 addu t5,t5,fp .66
  243. 1dc: 2913730572 sw t4,12(t5) .66 -- store content of t4 in _VSTACK11[_T103]
  244. 1e0: 0640745473 addiu s1,s1,1 .67 -- _S99 = _S99 + 1
  245. 1e4: 2949709832 sw s1,8(fp) .68 -- store content of s1 in _VTOP7
  246. 1e8: 0001148961 addu s1,zero,s1 .69 -- copy _S99 ← _S99
  247. 1ec: 2949709832 sw s1,8(fp) .70 -- store content of s1 in _VTOP7
  248. 1f0: 0001144960 sll t7,s1,2 .71 -- _T107 = _S99 << 2
  249. 1f4: 2413101060 lw s5,4(fp) .72 -- load content from _VH5 in s5
  250. 1f8: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .72 -- Nop
  251. 1fc: 0033454113 addu t7,t7,fp .73
  252. 200: 2918514700 sw s5,12(t7) .73 -- store content of s5 in _VSTACK11[_T107]
  253. 204: 2412773384 lw s0,8(fp) .74 -- load content from _VTOP7 in s0
  254. 208: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .74 -- Nop
  255. 20c: 0033558563 subu v0,s0,zero .75
  256. 210: 0071434152 bgez v0,b4 <quickSortIterative+0x60> .75 -- branch if register >= 0
  257. 214: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .75 -- Nop
  258. 218: 2411593776 lw fp,48(sp) -- epilog| restore
  259. 21c: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 -- Nop
  260. 220: 2411659316 lw ra,52(sp) -- epilog| restore
  261. 224: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 -- Nop
  262. 228: 0666697784 addiu sp,sp,56 -- epilog| pop stack frame
  263. 22c: 0001962017 addu fp,zero,sp -- epilog| pop stack frame
  264. 230: 0065011720 jr ra -- epilog| return
  265. <partition>:
  266. 234: 0666763236 addiu sp,sp,-28 -- prolog| push stack frame
  267. 238: 0001962017 addu fp,zero,sp -- prolog|copy fp ← sp
  268. 23c: 2948857856 sw a0,0(fp) .0 -- pop param
  269. 240: 2948923396 sw a1,4(fp) .1 -- pop param
  270. 244: 2412904452 lw s2,4(fp) .2 -- load content from _VH27 in s2
  271. 248: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .2 -- Nop
  272. 24c: 0001196160 sll t0,s2,2 .3 -- _T30 = _S28 << 2
  273. 250: 2366177280 lw t1,0(t0) .4 -- load content from _G1[_T30] in t1
  274. 254: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .4 -- Nop
  275. 258: 2949185544 sw t1,8(fp) .5 -- store content of t1 in _VX33
  276. 25c: 2413101056 lw s5,0(fp) .6 -- load content from _VL25 in s5
  277. 260: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .6 -- Nop
  278. 264: 0648806399 addiu t3,s5,-1 .7 -- _T35 = _S26 - 1
  279. 268: 2949316620 sw t3,12(fp) .8 -- store content of t3 in _VI36
  280. 26c: 2949971984 sw s5,16(fp) .9 -- store content of s5 in _VJ38
  281. 270: 0134217923 j 30c <partition+0xd8> .10 -- jump to partition+_i7
  282. 274: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .10 -- Nop
  283. 278: 2412904464 lw s2,16(fp) .11 -- load content from _VJ38 in s2
  284. 27c: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .11 -- Nop
  285. 280: 0001204352 sll t4,s2,2 .12 -- _T42 = _S40 << 2
  286. 284: 2374828032 lw t5,0(t4) .13 -- load content from _G1[_T42] in t5
  287. 288: 2412773384 lw s0,8(fp) .14 -- load content from _VX33 in s0
  288. 28c: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .14 -- Nop
  289. 290: 0028315683 subu v0,t5,s0 .15
  290. 294: 0473956377 bgtz v0,2fc <partition+0xc8> .15 -- branch if register > 0
  291. 298: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .15 -- Nop
  292. 29c: 2413101068 lw s5,12(fp) .16 -- load content from _VI36 in s5
  293. 2a0: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .16 -- Nop
  294. 2a4: 0649396225 addiu s5,s5,1 .17 -- _S46 = _S46 + 1
  295. 2a8: 2949971980 sw s5,12(fp) .18 -- store content of s5 in _VI36
  296. 2ac: 0001419297 addu s5,zero,s5 .19 -- copy _S46 ← _S46
  297. 2b0: 2949971980 sw s5,12(fp) .20 -- store content of s5 in _VI36
  298. 2b4: 0001407104 sll t7,s5,2 .21 -- _T48 = _S46 << 2
  299. 2b8: 2381840384 lw t8,0(t7) .22 -- load content from _G1[_T48] in t8
  300. 2bc: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .22 -- Nop
  301. 2c0: 2950168596 sw t8,20(fp) .23 -- store content of t8 in _VTMP51
  302. 2c4: 2412970000 lw s3,16(fp) .24 -- load content from _VJ38 in s3
  303. 2c8: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .24 -- Nop
  304. 2cc: 0001261696 sll t0,s3,2 .25 -- _T55 = _S53 << 2
  305. 2d0: 2366177280 lw t1,0(t0) .26 -- load content from _G1[_T55] in t1
  306. 2d4: 0001419297 addu s5,zero,s5 .27 -- copy _S46 ← _S46
  307. 2d8: 2949971980 sw s5,12(fp) .28 -- store content of s5 in _VI36
  308. 2dc: 0001396864 sll t2,s5,2 .29 -- _T58 = _S46 << 2
  309. 2e0: 2907242496 sw t1,0(t2) .30 -- store content of t1 in _G1[_T58]
  310. 2e4: 0001284129 addu s3,zero,s3 .31 -- copy _S53 ← _S53
  311. 2e8: 2949840912 sw s3,16(fp) .32 -- store content of s3 in _VJ38
  312. 2ec: 0001267840 sll t3,s3,2 .33 -- _T60 = _S53 << 2
  313. 2f0: 2413232148 lw s7,20(fp) .34 -- load content from _VTMP51 in s7
  314. 2f4: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .34 -- Nop
  315. 2f8: 2910257152 sw s7,0(t3) .35 -- store content of s7 in _G1[_T60]
  316. 2fc: 2413101072 lw s5,16(fp) .36 -- load content from _VJ38 in s5
  317. 300: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .36 -- Nop
  318. 304: 0649396225 addiu s5,s5,1 .37 -- _S61 = _S61 + 1
  319. 308: 2949971984 sw s5,16(fp) .38 -- store content of s5 in _VJ38
  320. 30c: 2412904464 lw s2,16(fp) .39 -- load content from _VJ38 in s2
  321. 310: 2412838916 lw s1,4(fp) .40 -- load content from _VH27 in s1
  322. 314: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .40 -- Nop
  323. 318: 0038866979 subu v0,s2,s1 .41
  324. 31c: 0071368662 bltz v0,278 <partition+0x44> .41 -- branch if register < 0
  325. 320: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .41 -- Nop
  326. 324: 2413035532 lw s4,12(fp) .42 -- load content from _VI36 in s4
  327. 328: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .42 -- Nop
  328. 32c: 0646840321 addiu t6,s4,1 .43 -- _T65 = _S64 + 1
  329. 330: 2949513240 sw t6,24(fp) .44 -- store content of t6 in _VINDEX66
  330. 334: 2413166616 lw s6,24(fp) .45 -- load content from _VINDEX66 in s6
  331. 338: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .45 -- Nop
  332. 33c: 0001472640 sll t7,s6,2 .46 -- _T69 = _S67 << 2
  333. 340: 2381840384 lw t8,0(t7) .47 -- load content from _G1[_T69] in t8
  334. 344: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .47 -- Nop
  335. 348: 2950168596 sw t8,20(fp) .48 -- store content of t8 in _VTMP51
  336. 34c: 2412838916 lw s1,4(fp) .49 -- load content from _VH27 in s1
  337. 350: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .49 -- Nop
  338. 354: 0001130624 sll t0,s1,2 .50 -- _T75 = _S73 << 2
  339. 358: 2366177280 lw t1,0(t0) .51 -- load content from _G1[_T75] in t1
  340. 35c: 0001486881 addu s6,zero,s6 .52 -- copy _S67 ← _S67
  341. 360: 2950037528 sw s6,24(fp) .53 -- store content of s6 in _VINDEX66
  342. 364: 0001462400 sll t2,s6,2 .54 -- _T78 = _S67 << 2
  343. 368: 2907242496 sw t1,0(t2) .55 -- store content of t1 in _G1[_T78]
  344. 36c: 0001148961 addu s1,zero,s1 .56 -- copy _S73 ← _S73
  345. 370: 2949709828 sw s1,4(fp) .57 -- store content of s1 in _VH27
  346. 374: 0001136768 sll t3,s1,2 .58 -- _T80 = _S73 << 2
  347. 378: 2413232148 lw s7,20(fp) .59 -- load content from _VTMP51 in s7
  348. 37c: 0000000000 sll zero,zero,0 .59 -- Nop
  349. 380: 2910257152 sw s7,0(t3) .60 -- store content of s7 in _G1[_T80]
  350. 384: 0646774785 addiu t5,s4,1 .61 -- _T81 = _S64 + 1
  351. 388: 0000856097 addu v0,zero,t5 .63 -- push return
  352. 38c: 0666697756 addiu sp,sp,28 -- epilog| pop stack frame
  353. 390: 0001962017 addu fp,zero,sp -- epilog| pop stack frame
  354. 394: 0065011720 jr ra -- epilog| return
  355. */