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And though I am a sex-repulsed ace myself, if I can ever get past that, I would totally be willing to try BDSM if my partner wanted to. So yeah, to me, a book series about an asexual woman exploring her relationship through BDSM would be pretty fucking awesome. But seriously though, Christian Grey is a rapist, we can’t have nice things, and please don’t support the movie.
In the ever-evolving world of storytelling, creating unique and relatable characters is crucial for writers, role-players, and creators alike. As we head into 2024, one tool that has been gaining popularity is the character perchance headcanon generator. This tool serves as a digital muse, sparking creativity and helping to develop rich backstories, personalities, and quirks for characters. Whether you're a seasoned author or a hobbyist storyteller, these generators provide the inspiration needed to bring your characters to life. By offering a multitude of possibilities, they allow you to explore new dimensions of character creation that you might not have considered before. Unfortunately, the books use her feelings and misunderstandings to show how naïve she is and not as a way to explore her sexuality.
Religions may be explained or defended by reason, but they do not gain their power from reason any more than a piece of music or a work of visual art does. Now that we’ve gottenthe definitions out of the way, let’s take a closer look at how these twoconcepts — UPG/SPG and headcanon/fanon overlap and differ. UPG/SPG isconsidered to be spiritual, and at times without external precedent. UPG oftencomes to people in dreams, and it can become SPG either by other people havinga similar experience, or by someone sharing their UPG and that resonating withsomeone else, even if they didn’t have that experience on their own first. Inmany ways, that is similar to sharing a headcanon.
But perhaps you may bewondering why I am pushing this so hard. WhyI want fandom to be considered religious. The truth is that it certainlydoesn’t need to be. Labels are often restricting and ultimately kind of useless.But they can also be very useful when trying to figure things out, and they canvalidate and legitimize things that were once considered weird or taboo oruncomfortable. And we don’t need to attach these labels, certainly. But whatI’m trying to get at, the point I’ve been trying to approach this whole time,is that these phenomena share incredibly similar traits, no matter what youwant to call them.
Moving forward, let us examine the specific overlap between UPG (Unverified Personal Gnosis) and headcanon, as well as the consequential overlap between SPG (Shared Personal Gnosis) and fanon. So, I guess what I am saying is, like what you like and hate what you hate - but there is a lot of misinformation out there and a lot of people who just don’t know any better. Educating the masses to the truth will only strengthen our community. But please, don’t be a hypocrite when doing so and perhaps more importantly, don’t be one to further spread misinformation. It's easy to get into the mindset that Crey is evil top to bottom, but the company is MASSIVE. For every one illegitimate operation they do, they likely have two that are totally on the up and up.
Unfortunately, because many of the issues that come with trying to interpret a game world rely on what the game developers show us, we don't get to see what the Zig is like on a good day because that might not be fun gameplay material. But I didn't go into that because while that's my headcanon generator and something I feel has a lot of support, it's still just my own headcanon. We can agree that Manticore is an edgy edge boi who makes edgy choices, but kicking someone’s dog for no reason is a big claim that has no real basis in the canon. Our goal isn’t to just read lore, our goal is to be part of lore! In fact, literally nothing a roleplayer produces as a result of their hobby is canon (unless you seriously impress the owner, I guess). But, as that might imply, that does mean that canon is not set in stone after publication.
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