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fix many things kk

eugeniucarvalho il y a 5 ans

+ 129 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+package compiler;
+ Verificar operacao unaria negacao valor em laco
+ * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
+ * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+import API.Api;
+import API.BuildParams;
+import API.Middleware;
+import API.Target;
+import Export.MultCoreJun;
+import Export.Simulation;
+import IntermediaryCode.IRGenerator;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+import targets.mips.Translate;
+ *
+ * @author Eugenio
+ */
+public class IVANNOSYS {
+    protected static IvannosysCompiler COM;
+    /**
+     * @param args the command line arguments
+     */
+    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+        try {
+            String cmd = "", file = "";
+            if (args.length > 0) {
+                cmd = args[0];
+            }
+            switch (cmd) {
+                case "create":
+                    break;
+                default:
+//                    Middleware.Add("mips.analise", new analise.AnaliseDependenciaMiddleware());
+//                    Middleware.Add("mips.module.scheduling", new analise.ModuleSchedulingMiddleware());
+                    COM = new IvannosysCompiler(
+                            "UTF-8",
+                            IvannosysCompiler.INPUT_FILE)
+                            .include(".\\src\\samples")
+                            .include(".\\src\\libs")
+                            // Especifica a classe de geração de codigo de tres enderecos
+                            .IRGenerator(new IRGenerator());
+                    // Extensao dos arquivos 
+//                            .setExtensionLibrary(".go");
+                    // Inicializa a api do compilador
+                    Api.Init(COM);
+                    // Parametros de compilação
+                    BuildParams.Add("display.ERROS", "true");
+                    BuildParams.Add("display.IR", "true");
+                    BuildParams.Add("display.AST", "true");
+                    BuildParams.Add("mode", "developement");
+                    // Especifica a classe de geração de código alvo mips
+                    Translate Mips = new targets.mips.Translate();
+                    // Adiciona dois metodos de exportação ao alvo mips 
+                    // Metodo de simualcao
+                    Mips.AddExportOption("simulation", new Simulation(new tools.mips.MipsSettings() {
+                        {
+                            // Não executar passo a passo
+//                            Set("", "true");
+                            Set("", "false");
+                            // Necessario para poder usar os breakpoints
+//                            Set("mode", "debug");
+                            // Determina os pontos de para no codigo alvo
+//                            Set("breakpoints", "c4");
+//                            Set("breakpoints", "f4");
+//                            Set("breakpoints", "94-9c");
+//                            Set("breakpoints", "1d8,214,2e0,28c,2f0,250,330");
+//                            Set("breakpoints", "1d8,214,250,28c,2dc,2e0,2d8,2f0,300,314,324,350,35c");
+//                            Set("breakpoints", "2e8-350,35c");
+//                            Set("breakpoints", "314,35c");
+//                            Set("breakpoints", "350,35c");
+                            // Caminho do arquivo de memoria de instrucoes
+                            Set("memory.instruction", "\\src\\tools\\mips\\memory\\mi.memory");
+                            // Tamanho da memorua de instrucoes 16 kb
+                            Set("memory.instruction.size", 16 * 1024);
+                            // Caminho do arquivo de memoria de dados
+                            Set("", "\\src\\tools\\mips\\memory\\md.memory");
+                            // Tamanho da memorua de dados 16 kb
+                            Set("", 16 * 1024);
+                            Set("", "true");
+                        }
+                    }));
+                    // Metodo exporta profile para arquitetura de juninho
+                    Mips.AddExportOption("MultCoreJun", new MultCoreJun());
+                    Target.Add("mips", Mips);
+                    // Registra os processadores para o alvo mips
+                    // Executa alocacao de registradores antes de traduzir cada bloco
+                    Middleware.On("mips", "before.translate.block", "mips.register.alloc");
+//                    Middleware.On("mips", "after.translate.block", "mips.o.L1,mips.copy.dep");
+                    Middleware.On("mips", "after.translate.block", "mips.copy.dep");
+                    // Atualiza os enderecos de saltos e set no campo offset
+//                    Middleware.On("mips", "after.translate", "mips.update.address,mips.analise,mips.module.scheduling");
+//                    Middleware.On("mips", "after.translate", "mips.update.address,mips.module.scheduling");
+                    Middleware.On("mips", "after.translate", "mips.update.address");
+                    // cmd = "src\\samples\\program.go";
+                    // cmd = "src\\samples\\program.go";
+                    // cmd = "src\\samples\\program_mult_jon.go";
+//                    cmd = "src\\samples\\program_mult.go";
+//                    cmd = "src\\samples\\program_jun_bit_count.go";
+                    cmd = "src\\samples\\program_jun_bit_count_1.go";
+//                    cmd = "src\\samples\\program_jun_laplaciano.go";
+//                    cmd = "src\\samples\\program_jun_bytes.go";
+//                    cmd = "src\\samples\\program_jun_mult_manycore.go";
+                    // Compila o arquivo de entrada
+                    COM.Compile(cmd);
+            }
+        } catch (Exception ex) {
+            Logger.getLogger(IVANNOSYS.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+        }
+    }

+ 460 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+// Aplica o back-end do juninho
+@target          : mips 
+// Especifica o tipo de metodo empregado para salvar o resultado da compilação
+//@export          : MultCoreJun
+@export          : simulation
+// Diretorio onde o resultado da compilação será gravado
+@outputDirectory : `C:\Users\EUGENIO CARVALHO\Desktop\tmp\bitCount_1`
+// Quantidade de palavras de um bloco 32 palavras de 4bytes
+@cacheBlockSize: `32`
+    Profile de compilacao do back-end
+    O formato da string é um json que descreve um array de definições de cada core
+    {
+        "stackBaseAddress"   : 5888,     -> endereço da base da pilha do core em questão
+        "initFunction": "multiplica(0)", -> define a main de cada core. aceita ate 4 parametros com valores de constantes
+        "id": "core0"                    -> label que define o codigo de cada core
+    },
+    Se "stackBaseAddress" não for definido o compilador irá inferir o valor iniciando do ultimo endereço da memoria    
+@profile: `[
+    {
+        "id"               : "core0",
+        "initFunction"     : "bitCount(0)",
+        "filename"         : "%s_core_0.txt"
+    },
+    {
+        "id"               : "core1",
+        "initFunction"     : "bitCount(18750)",
+        "filename"         : "%s_core_1.txt"
+    },
+    {
+        "id"               : "core2",
+        "initFunction"     : "bitCount(37500)",
+        "filename"         : "%s_core_2.txt"
+    },
+    {
+        "id"               : "core3",
+        "initFunction"     : "bitCount(56250)",
+        "filename"         : "%s_core_3.txt"
+    }
+package main;
+var (
+    result [4][32]int32
+func bitCount(init int32, core int32){
+    var (
+        n int32
+        x int32
+        tmp  = 0
+        zero = 0
+        seed = 112500
+        //seed = 1000
+    )
+    for i:= init; i < init + 4500; i++ {
+        n = 0
+	x = seed
+        if x > 0 {
+            for true {
+                n++
+                if x = x & (x-1); x == 0 {
+                   break
+                }
+            }
+            tmp += n
+        }
+	seed +=13
+    }
+    result[core][zero] = tmp
+func main(){
+    bitCount(18750,1)
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S6:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S8:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S10:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S12:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S2 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S2:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S14:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S17:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S15 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S15:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S17 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S17:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S18 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S18:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S18:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S18 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S18:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S19 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S19:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S19 : true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S19:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S19 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S19:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S23 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S23:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S22 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S22:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S23:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S23 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S23:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S24 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S24:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S24:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S24 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S24:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S25 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S25:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S25:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S25 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S25:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S27 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S27:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S26 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S26:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S30 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S30:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S30 : true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S32 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S32:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S32 : true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S36[_T34]:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S29 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S29:true
+package main
+import (
+	"fmt"
+var (
+    result [4][32]int
+func bitCount(init int, core int){
+    var (
+        n int
+        x int
+        tmp  = 0
+        seed = 112500
+    )
+    for i:= init; i < init + 4500; i++ {
+        n = 0
+	x = seed
+	fmt.Println("X: ", x)
+        if x > 0 {
+            for true {
+                n++
+                if x = x & (x-1); x == 0 {
+                   break
+                }
+            }
+            tmp += n
+        }
+	seed +=13
+    }
+    fmt.Println(tmp)
+		<main>:
+  0:  0604260670	addiu a0,zero,18750		.2 -- push param
+  4:  0604307457	addiu a1,zero,1		.2 -- push param
+  8:  0201326597	jal 14 <bitCount+0x0>		.2 -- jump to <bitCount>
+  c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.2 -- Nop
+ 10:  4294967295	stop 		 -- End of programa
+		<bitCount>:
+ 14:  0666763232	addiu sp,sp,-32		 -- prolog| push stack frame
+ 18:  0001962017	addu fp,zero,sp		 -- prolog|copy fp ← sp
+ 1c:  2948857856	sw a0,0(fp)		.0 -- pop param
+ 20:  2948923396	sw a1,4(fp)		.1 -- pop param
+ 24:  2948595720	sw zero,8(fp)		.2 -- store content of zero in _VTMP5
+ 28:  2948595724	sw zero,12(fp)		.3 -- store content of zero in _VZERO7
+ 2c:  0604636136	addiu t2,zero,1000		.4 -- load param (p1)
+ 30:  2949251088	sw t2,16(fp)		.4 -- store content of t2 in _VSEED9
+ 34:  2413101056	lw s5,0(fp)		.5 -- load content from _VINIT1 in s5
+ 38:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.5 -- Nop
+ 3c:  2949971988	sw s5,20(fp)		.6 -- store content of s5 in _VI11
+ 40:  0134217795	j 10c <bitCount+0xf8>		.7 -- jump to bitCount+_i3
+ 44:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.7 -- Nop
+ 48:  2948595736	sw zero,24(fp)		.8 -- store content of zero in _VN13
+ 4c:  2412904464	lw s2,16(fp)		.9 -- load content from _VSEED9 in s2
+ 50:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.9 -- Nop
+ 54:  2949775388	sw s2,28(fp)		.10 -- store content of s2 in _VX16
+ 58:  2413035548	lw s4,28(fp)		.11 -- load content from _VX16 in s4
+ 5c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.11 -- Nop
+ 60:  0041947171	subu v0,s4,zero		.12
+ 64:  0406847517	blez v0,dc <bitCount+0xc8>		.12 -- branch if register <= 0
+ 68:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.12 -- Nop
+ 6c:  0134217774	j b8 <bitCount+0xa4>		.13 -- jump to bitCount+_i9
+ 70:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.13 -- Nop
+ 74:  2413101080	lw s5,24(fp)		.14 -- load content from _VN13 in s5
+ 78:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.14 -- Nop
+ 7c:  0649396225	addiu s5,s5,1		.15 -- _S18 = _S18 + 1
+ 80:  2413101080	lw s5,24(fp)		.16 -- load content from _VN13 in s5
+ 84:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.16 -- Nop
+ 88:  2949971992	sw s5,24(fp)		.17 -- store content of s5 in _VN13
+ 8c:  2413232156	lw s7,28(fp)		.18 -- load content from _VX16 in s7
+ 90:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.18 -- Nop
+ 94:  0653262847	addiu t7,s7,-1		.19 -- _T20 = _S19 - 1
+ 98:  0049266724	and t8,s7,t7		.20 -- _T21 = _S19 & _T20
+ 9c:  2950168604	sw t8,28(fp)		.21 -- store content of t8 in _VX16
+ a0:  2413232156	lw s7,28(fp)		.22 -- load content from _VX16 in s7
+ a4:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.22 -- Nop
+ a8:  0383778819	bne zero,s7,b8 <bitCount+0xa4>		.23 -- branch if not equals
+ ac:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.23 -- Nop
+ b0:  0134217776	j c0 <bitCount+0xac>		.24 -- jump to bitCount+_i7
+ b4:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.24 -- Nop
+ b8:  0134217757	j 74 <bitCount+0x60>		.25 -- jump to bitCount+_i6
+ bc:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.25 -- Nop
+ c0:  2412904456	lw s2,8(fp)		.26 -- load content from _VTMP5 in s2
+ c4:  2413035544	lw s4,24(fp)		.27 -- load content from _VN13 in s4
+ c8:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.27 -- Nop
+ cc:  0039096353	addu s2,s2,s4		.28 -- _S23 = _S23 + _S22
+ d0:  2412904456	lw s2,8(fp)		.29 -- load content from _VTMP5 in s2
+ d4:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.29 -- Nop
+ d8:  2949775368	sw s2,8(fp)		.30 -- store content of s2 in _VTMP5
+ dc:  2412773392	lw s0,16(fp)		.31 -- load content from _VSEED9 in s0
+ e0:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.31 -- Nop
+ e4:  0638582797	addiu s0,s0,13		.32 -- _S24 = _S24 + 13
+ e8:  2412773392	lw s0,16(fp)		.33 -- load content from _VSEED9 in s0
+ ec:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.33 -- Nop
+ f0:  2949644304	sw s0,16(fp)		.34 -- store content of s0 in _VSEED9
+ f4:  2413232148	lw s7,20(fp)		.35 -- load content from _VI11 in s7
+ f8:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.35 -- Nop
+ fc:  0653721601	addiu s7,s7,1		.36 -- _S25 = _S25 + 1
+100:  2413232148	lw s7,20(fp)		.37 -- load content from _VI11 in s7
+104:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.37 -- Nop
+108:  2950103060	sw s7,20(fp)		.38 -- store content of s7 in _VI11
+10c:  2413035520	lw s4,0(fp)		.39 -- load content from _VINIT1 in s4
+110:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.39 -- Nop
+114:  0646713748	addiu t4,s4,4500		.40 -- _T28 = _S27 + 4500
+118:  2412838932	lw s1,20(fp)		.41 -- load content from _VI11 in s1
+11c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.41 -- Nop
+120:  0036442147	subu v0,s1,t4		.42
+124:  0071368648	bltz v0,48 <bitCount+0x34>		.42 -- branch if register < 0
+128:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.42 -- Nop
+12c:  2413101060	lw s5,4(fp)		.43 -- load content from _VCORE3 in s5
+130:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.43 -- Nop
+134:  0001403200	sll t5,s5,5		.44 -- _T31 = _S30 << 5
+138:  2413166604	lw s6,12(fp)		.45 -- load content from _VZERO7 in s6
+13c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.45 -- Nop
+140:  0028731425	addu t5,t5,s6		.46 -- _T31 = _T31 + _S32
+144:  0000880768	sll t6,t5,2		.47 -- _T34 = _T31 << 2
+148:  2413035528	lw s4,8(fp)		.48 -- load content from _VTMP5 in s4
+14c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.48 -- Nop
+150:  2916352000	sw s4,0(t6)		.49 -- store content of s4 in _G35[_T34]
+154:  0666697760	addiu sp,sp,32		 -- epilog| pop stack frame
+158:  0001962017	addu fp,zero,sp		 -- epilog| pop stack frame
+15c:  0065011720	jr ra		 -- epilog| return
+	<main>:
+  0:  0604260670	addiu a0,zero,18750		.2 -- push param
+  4:  0604307457	addiu a1,zero,1		.2 -- push param
+  8:  0201326597	jal 14 <bitCount+0x0>		.2 -- jump to <bitCount>
+  c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.2 -- Nop
+ 10:  4294967295	stop 		 -- End of programa
+		<bitCount>:
+ 14:  0666763232	addiu sp,sp,-32		 -- prolog| push stack frame
+ 18:  0001962017	addu fp,zero,sp		 -- prolog|copy fp ← sp
+ 1c:  2948857856	sw a0,0(fp)		.0 -- pop param
+ 20:  2948923396	sw a1,4(fp)		.1 -- pop param
+ 24:  2948595720	sw zero,8(fp)		.2 -- store content of zero in _VTMP5
+ 28:  2948595724	sw zero,12(fp)		.3 -- store content of zero in _VZERO7
+ 2c:  0604636136	addiu t2,zero,1000		.4 -- load param (p1)
+ 30:  2949251088	sw t2,16(fp)		.4 -- store content of t2 in _VSEED9
+ 34:  2413101056	lw s5,0(fp)		.5 -- load content from _VINIT1 in s5
+ 38:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.5 -- Nop
+ 3c:  2949971988	sw s5,20(fp)		.6 -- store content of s5 in _VI11
+ 40:  0134217785	j e4 <bitCount+0xd0>		.7 -- jump to bitCount+_i3
+ 44:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.7 -- Nop
+ 48:  2948595736	sw zero,24(fp)		.8 -- store content of zero in _VN13
+ 4c:  2412904464	lw s2,16(fp)		.9 -- load content from _VSEED9 in s2
+ 50:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.9 -- Nop
+ 54:  2949775388	sw s2,28(fp)		.10 -- store content of s2 in _VX16
+ 58:  2413035548	lw s4,28(fp)		.11 -- load content from _VX16 in s4
+ 5c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.11 -- Nop
+ 60:  0041947171	subu v0,s4,zero		.12
+ 64:  0406847511	blez v0,c4 <bitCount+0xb0>		.12 -- branch if register <= 0
+ 68:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.12 -- Nop
+ 6c:  0134217770	j a8 <bitCount+0x94>		.13 -- jump to bitCount+_i9
+ 70:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.13 -- Nop
+ 74:  2413101080	lw s5,24(fp)		.14 -- load content from _VN13 in s5
+ 78:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.14 -- Nop
+ 7c:  0649396225	addiu s5,s5,1		.15 -- _S18 = _S18 + 1
+ 80:  2949971992	sw s5,24(fp)		.16 -- store content of s5 in _VN13
+ 84:  2413232156	lw s7,28(fp)		.17 -- load content from _VX16 in s7
+ 88:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.17 -- Nop
+ 8c:  0653262847	addiu t7,s7,-1		.18 -- _T20 = _S19 - 1
+ 90:  0049266724	and t8,s7,t7		.19 -- _T21 = _S19 & _T20
+ 94:  2950168604	sw t8,28(fp)		.20 -- store content of t8 in _VX16
+ 98:  0383778819	bne zero,s7,a8 <bitCount+0x94>		.21 -- branch if not equals
+ 9c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.21 -- Nop
+ a0:  0134217772	j b0 <bitCount+0x9c>		.22 -- jump to bitCount+_i7
+ a4:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.22 -- Nop
+ a8:  0134217757	j 74 <bitCount+0x60>		.23 -- jump to bitCount+_i6
+ ac:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.23 -- Nop
+ b0:  2412904456	lw s2,8(fp)		.24 -- load content from _VTMP5 in s2
+ b4:  2413035544	lw s4,24(fp)		.25 -- load content from _VN13 in s4
+ b8:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.25 -- Nop
+ bc:  0039096353	addu s2,s2,s4		.26 -- _S23 = _S23 + _S22
+ c0:  2949775368	sw s2,8(fp)		.27 -- store content of s2 in _VTMP5
+ c4:  2412773392	lw s0,16(fp)		.28 -- load content from _VSEED9 in s0
+ c8:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.28 -- Nop
+ cc:  0638582797	addiu s0,s0,13		.29 -- _S24 = _S24 + 13
+ d0:  2949644304	sw s0,16(fp)		.30 -- store content of s0 in _VSEED9
+ d4:  2413232148	lw s7,20(fp)		.31 -- load content from _VI11 in s7
+ d8:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.31 -- Nop
+ dc:  0653721601	addiu s7,s7,1		.32 -- _S25 = _S25 + 1
+ e0:  2950103060	sw s7,20(fp)		.33 -- store content of s7 in _VI11
+ e4:  2413035520	lw s4,0(fp)		.34 -- load content from _VINIT1 in s4
+ e8:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.34 -- Nop
+ ec:  0646713748	addiu t4,s4,4500		.35 -- _T28 = _S27 + 4500
+ f0:  2412838932	lw s1,20(fp)		.36 -- load content from _VI11 in s1
+ f4:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.36 -- Nop
+ f8:  0036442147	subu v0,s1,t4		.37
+ fc:  0071368658	bltz v0,48 <bitCount+0x34>		.37 -- branch if register < 0
+100:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.37 -- Nop
+104:  2413101060	lw s5,4(fp)		.38 -- load content from _VCORE3 in s5
+108:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.38 -- Nop
+10c:  0001403200	sll t5,s5,5		.39 -- _T31 = _S30 << 5
+110:  2413166604	lw s6,12(fp)		.40 -- load content from _VZERO7 in s6
+114:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.40 -- Nop
+118:  0028731425	addu t5,t5,s6		.41 -- _T31 = _T31 + _S32
+11c:  0000880768	sll t6,t5,2		.42 -- _T34 = _T31 << 2
+120:  2413035528	lw s4,8(fp)		.43 -- load content from _VTMP5 in s4
+124:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.43 -- Nop
+128:  2916352000	sw s4,0(t6)		.44 -- store content of s4 in _G35[_T34]
+12c:  0666697760	addiu sp,sp,32		 -- epilog| pop stack frame
+130:  0001962017	addu fp,zero,sp		 -- epilog| pop stack frame
+134:  0065011720	jr ra		 -- epilog| return
+		<main>:
+  0:  0604522814	addiu t0,zero,18750		.2 -- load param (p1)
+  4:  0604260670	addiu a0,zero,18750		.2 -- push param
+  8:  0604569601	addiu t1,zero,1		.2 -- load param (p1)
+  c:  0604307457	addiu a1,zero,1		.2 -- push param
+ 10:  0201326599	jal 1c <bitCount+0x0>		.2 -- jump to <bitCount>
+ 14:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.2 -- Nop
+ 18:  4294967295	stop 		 -- End of programa
+		<bitCount>:
+ 1c:  0666763232	addiu sp,sp,-32		 -- prolog| push stack frame
+ 20:  0001962017	addu fp,zero,sp		 -- prolog|copy fp ← sp
+ 24:  2412773376	lw s0,fp,0		.0 -- load content from _V1 in s0
+ 28:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.0 -- Nop
+ 2c:  2948857856	sw a0,fp,0		.1 -- pop param
+ 30:  2412838916	lw s1,fp,4		.2 -- load content from _V2 in s1
+ 34:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.2 -- Nop
+ 38:  2948923396	sw a1,fp,4		.3 -- pop param
+ 3c:  0605159424	addiu s2,zero,0		.4 -- copy _V3 ← 0
+ 40:  2949775368	sw s2,fp,8		.5 -- store content of s2 in _V3
+ 44:  0605224960	addiu s3,zero,0		.6 -- copy _V4 ← 0
+ 48:  2949840908	sw s3,fp,12		.7 -- store content of s3 in _V4
+ 4c:  1007943681	lui s4,1		.8 -- load param upper(p1)
+ 50:  0915715956	ori s4,s4,46964		.8 -- load param lower(p1)
+ 54:  2949906448	sw s4,fp,16		.9 -- store content of s4 in _V5
+ 58:  2412773376	lw s0,fp,0		.10 -- load content from _V1 in s0
+ 5c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.10 -- Nop
+ 60:  0001091617	addu s5,zero,s0		.11 -- copy _V6 ← _V1
+ 64:  2949971988	sw s5,fp,20		.12 -- store content of s5 in _V6
+ 68:  0134217805	j 134 <bitCount+0x118>		.13 -- jump to bitCount+_i3
+ 6c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.13 -- Nop
+ 70:  0605421568	addiu s6,zero,0		.14 -- copy _V7 ← 0
+ 74:  2950037528	sw s6,fp,24		.15 -- store content of s6 in _V7
+ 78:  2413232144	lw s7,fp,16		.16 -- load content from _V5 in s7
+ 7c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.16 -- Nop
+ 80:  0001542177	addu s1,zero,s7		.17 -- copy _V8 ← _V5
+ 84:  2949709852	sw s1,fp,28		.18 -- store content of s1 in _V8
+ 88:  2412838940	lw s1,fp,28		.19 -- load content from _V8 in s1
+ 8c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.19 -- Nop
+ 90:  0035655715	subu v0,s1,zero		.20
+ 94:  0406847517	blez zero,v0,10c <bitCount+0xf0>		.20 -- branch if register <= 0
+ 98:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.20 -- Nop
+ 9c:  0134217788	j f0 <bitCount+0xd4>		.21 -- jump to bitCount+_i9
+ a0:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.21 -- Nop
+ a4:  2412904472	lw s2,fp,24		.22 -- load content from _V7 in s2
+ a8:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.22 -- Nop
+ ac:  0604831745	addiu t5,zero,1		.23 -- load param (p2)
+ b0:  0642908161	addiu s2,s2,1		.23 -- _V7 = _V7 + 1
+ b4:  2949775384	sw s2,fp,24		.24 -- store content of s2 in _V7
+ b8:  2412970012	lw s3,fp,28		.25 -- load content from _V8 in s3
+ bc:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.25 -- Nop
+ c0:  0604897281	addiu t6,zero,1		.26 -- load param (p2)
+ c4:  0644874239	addiu t7,s3,-1		.26 -- _T9 = _V8 - 1
+ c8:  2412970012	lw s3,fp,28		.27 -- load content from _V8 in s3
+ cc:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.27 -- Nop
+ d0:  0040867876	and s3,s3,t7		.28 -- _V8 = _V8 & _T9
+ d4:  2949840924	sw s3,fp,28		.29 -- store content of s3 in _V8
+ d8:  2412970012	lw s3,fp,28		.30 -- load content from _V8 in s3
+ dc:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.30 -- Nop
+ e0:  0375390211	bne zero,s3,f0 <bitCount+0xd4>		.31 -- branch if not equals
+ e4:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.31 -- Nop
+ e8:  0134217790	j f8 <bitCount+0xdc>		.32 -- jump to bitCount+_i7
+ ec:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.32 -- Nop
+ f0:  0134217769	j a4 <bitCount+0x88>		.33 -- jump to bitCount+_i6
+ f4:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.33 -- Nop
+ f8:  2413035528	lw s4,fp,8		.34 -- load content from _V3 in s4
+ fc:  2412773400	lw s0,fp,24		.35 -- load content from _V7 in s0
+100:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.35 -- Nop
+104:  0043032609	addu s4,s4,s0		.36 -- _V3 = _V3 + _V7
+108:  2949906440	sw s4,fp,8		.37 -- store content of s4 in _V3
+10c:  2413101072	lw s5,fp,16		.38 -- load content from _V5 in s5
+110:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.38 -- Nop
+114:  0604504077	addiu t0,zero,13		.39 -- load param (p2)
+118:  0649396237	addiu s5,s5,13		.39 -- _V5 = _V5 + 13
+11c:  2949971984	sw s5,fp,16		.40 -- store content of s5 in _V5
+120:  2413166612	lw s6,fp,20		.41 -- load content from _V6 in s6
+124:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.41 -- Nop
+128:  0604569601	addiu t1,zero,1		.42 -- load param (p2)
+12c:  0651558913	addiu s6,s6,1		.42 -- _V6 = _V6 + 1
+130:  2950037524	sw s6,fp,20		.43 -- store content of s6 in _V6
+134:  2413232128	lw s7,fp,0		.44 -- load content from _V1 in s7
+138:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.44 -- Nop
+13c:  0604639636	addiu t2,zero,4500		.45 -- load param (p2)
+140:  0652939668	addiu t3,s7,4500		.45 -- _T11 = _V1 + 4500
+144:  2412838932	lw s1,fp,20		.46 -- load content from _V6 in s1
+148:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.46 -- Nop
+14c:  0036376611	subu v0,s1,t3		.47
+150:  0071368647	bltz 00000,v0,70 <bitCount+0x54>		.47 -- branch if register < 0
+154:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.47 -- Nop
+158:  2412904452	lw s2,fp,4		.48 -- load content from _V2 in s2
+15c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.48 -- Nop
+160:  0001204257	addu t4,zero,s2		.49 -- copy _T12 ← _V2
+164:  0000813376	sll t5,t4,5		.50 -- _T13 = _T12 << 5
+168:  2412969996	lw s3,fp,12		.51 -- load content from _V4 in s3
+16c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.51 -- Nop
+170:  0001273889	addu t6,zero,s3		.52 -- copy _T15 ← _V4
+174:  0028207137	addu t5,t5,t6		.53 -- _T13 = _T13 + _T15
+178:  0000882816	sll t7,t5,2		.54 -- _T19 = _T13 << 2
+17c:  2412773384	lw s0,fp,8		.55 -- load content from _V3 in s0
+180:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.55 -- Nop
+184:  2918449152	sw s4,t7,0		.57 -- store content of s4 in _G21[_T19]
+188:  0666697760	addiu sp,sp,32		 -- epilog| pop stack frame
+18c:  0001962017	addu fp,zero,sp		 -- epilog| pop stack frame
+190:  0065011720	jr ra		 -- epilog| return	  T< store >	

+ 460 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+// Aplica o back-end do juninho
+@target          : mips 
+// Especifica o tipo de metodo empregado para salvar o resultado da compilação
+//@export          : MultCoreJun
+@export          : simulation
+// Diretorio onde o resultado da compilação será gravado
+@outputDirectory : `C:\Users\EUGENIO CARVALHO\Desktop\tmp\bitCount_1`
+// Quantidade de palavras de um bloco 32 palavras de 4bytes
+@cacheBlockSize: `32`
+    Profile de compilacao do back-end
+    O formato da string é um json que descreve um array de definições de cada core
+    {
+        "stackBaseAddress"   : 5888,     -> endereço da base da pilha do core em questão
+        "initFunction": "multiplica(0)", -> define a main de cada core. aceita ate 4 parametros com valores de constantes
+        "id": "core0"                    -> label que define o codigo de cada core
+    },
+    Se "stackBaseAddress" não for definido o compilador irá inferir o valor iniciando do ultimo endereço da memoria    
+@profile: `[
+    {
+        "id"               : "core0",
+        "initFunction"     : "bitCount(0)",
+        "filename"         : "%s_core_0.txt"
+    },
+    {
+        "id"               : "core1",
+        "initFunction"     : "bitCount(18750)",
+        "filename"         : "%s_core_1.txt"
+    },
+    {
+        "id"               : "core2",
+        "initFunction"     : "bitCount(37500)",
+        "filename"         : "%s_core_2.txt"
+    },
+    {
+        "id"               : "core3",
+        "initFunction"     : "bitCount(56250)",
+        "filename"         : "%s_core_3.txt"
+    }
+package main;
+var (
+    result [4][32]int32
+func bitCount(init int32, core int32){
+    var (
+        n int32
+        x int32
+        tmp  = 0
+        zero = 0
+        seed = 112500
+        //seed = 1000
+    )
+    for i:= init; i < init + 4500; i++ {
+        n = 0
+	x = seed
+        if x > 0 {
+            for true {
+                n++
+                if x = x & (x-1); x == 0 {
+                   break
+                }
+            }
+            tmp += n
+        }
+	seed +=13
+    }
+    result[core][zero] = tmp
+func main(){
+    bitCount(18750,1)
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S6:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S8:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S10:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S12:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S2 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S2:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S14:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S17:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S15 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S15:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S17 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S17:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S18 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S18:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S18:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S18 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S18:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S19 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S19:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S19 : true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S19:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S19 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S19:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S23 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S23:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S22 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S22:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S23:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S23 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S23:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S24 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S24:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S24:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S24 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S24:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S25 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S25:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S25:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S25 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S25:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S27 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S27:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S26 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S26:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S30 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S30:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S30 : true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S32 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S32:true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S32 : true
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S36[_T34]:false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOADED _S29 : false
+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SetLoaded:_S29:true
+package main
+import (
+	"fmt"
+var (
+    result [4][32]int
+func bitCount(init int, core int){
+    var (
+        n int
+        x int
+        tmp  = 0
+        seed = 112500
+    )
+    for i:= init; i < init + 4500; i++ {
+        n = 0
+	x = seed
+	fmt.Println("X: ", x)
+        if x > 0 {
+            for true {
+                n++
+                if x = x & (x-1); x == 0 {
+                   break
+                }
+            }
+            tmp += n
+        }
+	seed +=13
+    }
+    fmt.Println(tmp)
+		<main>:
+  0:  0604260670	addiu a0,zero,18750		.2 -- push param
+  4:  0604307457	addiu a1,zero,1		.2 -- push param
+  8:  0201326597	jal 14 <bitCount+0x0>		.2 -- jump to <bitCount>
+  c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.2 -- Nop
+ 10:  4294967295	stop 		 -- End of programa
+		<bitCount>:
+ 14:  0666763232	addiu sp,sp,-32		 -- prolog| push stack frame
+ 18:  0001962017	addu fp,zero,sp		 -- prolog|copy fp ← sp
+ 1c:  2948857856	sw a0,0(fp)		.0 -- pop param
+ 20:  2948923396	sw a1,4(fp)		.1 -- pop param
+ 24:  2948595720	sw zero,8(fp)		.2 -- store content of zero in _VTMP5
+ 28:  2948595724	sw zero,12(fp)		.3 -- store content of zero in _VZERO7
+ 2c:  0604636136	addiu t2,zero,1000		.4 -- load param (p1)
+ 30:  2949251088	sw t2,16(fp)		.4 -- store content of t2 in _VSEED9
+ 34:  2413101056	lw s5,0(fp)		.5 -- load content from _VINIT1 in s5
+ 38:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.5 -- Nop
+ 3c:  2949971988	sw s5,20(fp)		.6 -- store content of s5 in _VI11
+ 40:  0134217795	j 10c <bitCount+0xf8>		.7 -- jump to bitCount+_i3
+ 44:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.7 -- Nop
+ 48:  2948595736	sw zero,24(fp)		.8 -- store content of zero in _VN13
+ 4c:  2412904464	lw s2,16(fp)		.9 -- load content from _VSEED9 in s2
+ 50:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.9 -- Nop
+ 54:  2949775388	sw s2,28(fp)		.10 -- store content of s2 in _VX16
+ 58:  2413035548	lw s4,28(fp)		.11 -- load content from _VX16 in s4
+ 5c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.11 -- Nop
+ 60:  0041947171	subu v0,s4,zero		.12
+ 64:  0406847517	blez v0,dc <bitCount+0xc8>		.12 -- branch if register <= 0
+ 68:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.12 -- Nop
+ 6c:  0134217774	j b8 <bitCount+0xa4>		.13 -- jump to bitCount+_i9
+ 70:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.13 -- Nop
+ 74:  2413101080	lw s5,24(fp)		.14 -- load content from _VN13 in s5
+ 78:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.14 -- Nop
+ 7c:  0649396225	addiu s5,s5,1		.15 -- _S18 = _S18 + 1
+ 80:  2413101080	lw s5,24(fp)		.16 -- load content from _VN13 in s5
+ 84:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.16 -- Nop
+ 88:  2949971992	sw s5,24(fp)		.17 -- store content of s5 in _VN13
+ 8c:  2413232156	lw s7,28(fp)		.18 -- load content from _VX16 in s7
+ 90:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.18 -- Nop
+ 94:  0653262847	addiu t7,s7,-1		.19 -- _T20 = _S19 - 1
+ 98:  0049266724	and t8,s7,t7		.20 -- _T21 = _S19 & _T20
+ 9c:  2950168604	sw t8,28(fp)		.21 -- store content of t8 in _VX16
+ a0:  2413232156	lw s7,28(fp)		.22 -- load content from _VX16 in s7
+ a4:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.22 -- Nop
+ a8:  0383778819	bne zero,s7,b8 <bitCount+0xa4>		.23 -- branch if not equals
+ ac:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.23 -- Nop
+ b0:  0134217776	j c0 <bitCount+0xac>		.24 -- jump to bitCount+_i7
+ b4:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.24 -- Nop
+ b8:  0134217757	j 74 <bitCount+0x60>		.25 -- jump to bitCount+_i6
+ bc:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.25 -- Nop
+ c0:  2412904456	lw s2,8(fp)		.26 -- load content from _VTMP5 in s2
+ c4:  2413035544	lw s4,24(fp)		.27 -- load content from _VN13 in s4
+ c8:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.27 -- Nop
+ cc:  0039096353	addu s2,s2,s4		.28 -- _S23 = _S23 + _S22
+ d0:  2412904456	lw s2,8(fp)		.29 -- load content from _VTMP5 in s2
+ d4:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.29 -- Nop
+ d8:  2949775368	sw s2,8(fp)		.30 -- store content of s2 in _VTMP5
+ dc:  2412773392	lw s0,16(fp)		.31 -- load content from _VSEED9 in s0
+ e0:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.31 -- Nop
+ e4:  0638582797	addiu s0,s0,13		.32 -- _S24 = _S24 + 13
+ e8:  2412773392	lw s0,16(fp)		.33 -- load content from _VSEED9 in s0
+ ec:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.33 -- Nop
+ f0:  2949644304	sw s0,16(fp)		.34 -- store content of s0 in _VSEED9
+ f4:  2413232148	lw s7,20(fp)		.35 -- load content from _VI11 in s7
+ f8:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.35 -- Nop
+ fc:  0653721601	addiu s7,s7,1		.36 -- _S25 = _S25 + 1
+100:  2413232148	lw s7,20(fp)		.37 -- load content from _VI11 in s7
+104:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.37 -- Nop
+108:  2950103060	sw s7,20(fp)		.38 -- store content of s7 in _VI11
+10c:  2413035520	lw s4,0(fp)		.39 -- load content from _VINIT1 in s4
+110:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.39 -- Nop
+114:  0646713748	addiu t4,s4,4500		.40 -- _T28 = _S27 + 4500
+118:  2412838932	lw s1,20(fp)		.41 -- load content from _VI11 in s1
+11c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.41 -- Nop
+120:  0036442147	subu v0,s1,t4		.42
+124:  0071368648	bltz v0,48 <bitCount+0x34>		.42 -- branch if register < 0
+128:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.42 -- Nop
+12c:  2413101060	lw s5,4(fp)		.43 -- load content from _VCORE3 in s5
+130:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.43 -- Nop
+134:  0001403200	sll t5,s5,5		.44 -- _T31 = _S30 << 5
+138:  2413166604	lw s6,12(fp)		.45 -- load content from _VZERO7 in s6
+13c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.45 -- Nop
+140:  0028731425	addu t5,t5,s6		.46 -- _T31 = _T31 + _S32
+144:  0000880768	sll t6,t5,2		.47 -- _T34 = _T31 << 2
+148:  2413035528	lw s4,8(fp)		.48 -- load content from _VTMP5 in s4
+14c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.48 -- Nop
+150:  2916352000	sw s4,0(t6)		.49 -- store content of s4 in _G35[_T34]
+154:  0666697760	addiu sp,sp,32		 -- epilog| pop stack frame
+158:  0001962017	addu fp,zero,sp		 -- epilog| pop stack frame
+15c:  0065011720	jr ra		 -- epilog| return
+	<main>:
+  0:  0604260670	addiu a0,zero,18750		.2 -- push param
+  4:  0604307457	addiu a1,zero,1		.2 -- push param
+  8:  0201326597	jal 14 <bitCount+0x0>		.2 -- jump to <bitCount>
+  c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.2 -- Nop
+ 10:  4294967295	stop 		 -- End of programa
+		<bitCount>:
+ 14:  0666763232	addiu sp,sp,-32		 -- prolog| push stack frame
+ 18:  0001962017	addu fp,zero,sp		 -- prolog|copy fp ← sp
+ 1c:  2948857856	sw a0,0(fp)		.0 -- pop param
+ 20:  2948923396	sw a1,4(fp)		.1 -- pop param
+ 24:  2948595720	sw zero,8(fp)		.2 -- store content of zero in _VTMP5
+ 28:  2948595724	sw zero,12(fp)		.3 -- store content of zero in _VZERO7
+ 2c:  0604636136	addiu t2,zero,1000		.4 -- load param (p1)
+ 30:  2949251088	sw t2,16(fp)		.4 -- store content of t2 in _VSEED9
+ 34:  2413101056	lw s5,0(fp)		.5 -- load content from _VINIT1 in s5
+ 38:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.5 -- Nop
+ 3c:  2949971988	sw s5,20(fp)		.6 -- store content of s5 in _VI11
+ 40:  0134217785	j e4 <bitCount+0xd0>		.7 -- jump to bitCount+_i3
+ 44:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.7 -- Nop
+ 48:  2948595736	sw zero,24(fp)		.8 -- store content of zero in _VN13
+ 4c:  2412904464	lw s2,16(fp)		.9 -- load content from _VSEED9 in s2
+ 50:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.9 -- Nop
+ 54:  2949775388	sw s2,28(fp)		.10 -- store content of s2 in _VX16
+ 58:  2413035548	lw s4,28(fp)		.11 -- load content from _VX16 in s4
+ 5c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.11 -- Nop
+ 60:  0041947171	subu v0,s4,zero		.12
+ 64:  0406847511	blez v0,c4 <bitCount+0xb0>		.12 -- branch if register <= 0
+ 68:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.12 -- Nop
+ 6c:  0134217770	j a8 <bitCount+0x94>		.13 -- jump to bitCount+_i9
+ 70:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.13 -- Nop
+ 74:  2413101080	lw s5,24(fp)		.14 -- load content from _VN13 in s5
+ 78:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.14 -- Nop
+ 7c:  0649396225	addiu s5,s5,1		.15 -- _S18 = _S18 + 1
+ 80:  2949971992	sw s5,24(fp)		.16 -- store content of s5 in _VN13
+ 84:  2413232156	lw s7,28(fp)		.17 -- load content from _VX16 in s7
+ 88:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.17 -- Nop
+ 8c:  0653262847	addiu t7,s7,-1		.18 -- _T20 = _S19 - 1
+ 90:  0049266724	and t8,s7,t7		.19 -- _T21 = _S19 & _T20
+ 94:  2950168604	sw t8,28(fp)		.20 -- store content of t8 in _VX16
+ 98:  0383778819	bne zero,s7,a8 <bitCount+0x94>		.21 -- branch if not equals
+ 9c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.21 -- Nop
+ a0:  0134217772	j b0 <bitCount+0x9c>		.22 -- jump to bitCount+_i7
+ a4:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.22 -- Nop
+ a8:  0134217757	j 74 <bitCount+0x60>		.23 -- jump to bitCount+_i6
+ ac:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.23 -- Nop
+ b0:  2412904456	lw s2,8(fp)		.24 -- load content from _VTMP5 in s2
+ b4:  2413035544	lw s4,24(fp)		.25 -- load content from _VN13 in s4
+ b8:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.25 -- Nop
+ bc:  0039096353	addu s2,s2,s4		.26 -- _S23 = _S23 + _S22
+ c0:  2949775368	sw s2,8(fp)		.27 -- store content of s2 in _VTMP5
+ c4:  2412773392	lw s0,16(fp)		.28 -- load content from _VSEED9 in s0
+ c8:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.28 -- Nop
+ cc:  0638582797	addiu s0,s0,13		.29 -- _S24 = _S24 + 13
+ d0:  2949644304	sw s0,16(fp)		.30 -- store content of s0 in _VSEED9
+ d4:  2413232148	lw s7,20(fp)		.31 -- load content from _VI11 in s7
+ d8:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.31 -- Nop
+ dc:  0653721601	addiu s7,s7,1		.32 -- _S25 = _S25 + 1
+ e0:  2950103060	sw s7,20(fp)		.33 -- store content of s7 in _VI11
+ e4:  2413035520	lw s4,0(fp)		.34 -- load content from _VINIT1 in s4
+ e8:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.34 -- Nop
+ ec:  0646713748	addiu t4,s4,4500		.35 -- _T28 = _S27 + 4500
+ f0:  2412838932	lw s1,20(fp)		.36 -- load content from _VI11 in s1
+ f4:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.36 -- Nop
+ f8:  0036442147	subu v0,s1,t4		.37
+ fc:  0071368658	bltz v0,48 <bitCount+0x34>		.37 -- branch if register < 0
+100:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.37 -- Nop
+104:  2413101060	lw s5,4(fp)		.38 -- load content from _VCORE3 in s5
+108:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.38 -- Nop
+10c:  0001403200	sll t5,s5,5		.39 -- _T31 = _S30 << 5
+110:  2413166604	lw s6,12(fp)		.40 -- load content from _VZERO7 in s6
+114:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.40 -- Nop
+118:  0028731425	addu t5,t5,s6		.41 -- _T31 = _T31 + _S32
+11c:  0000880768	sll t6,t5,2		.42 -- _T34 = _T31 << 2
+120:  2413035528	lw s4,8(fp)		.43 -- load content from _VTMP5 in s4
+124:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.43 -- Nop
+128:  2916352000	sw s4,0(t6)		.44 -- store content of s4 in _G35[_T34]
+12c:  0666697760	addiu sp,sp,32		 -- epilog| pop stack frame
+130:  0001962017	addu fp,zero,sp		 -- epilog| pop stack frame
+134:  0065011720	jr ra		 -- epilog| return
+		<main>:
+  0:  0604522814	addiu t0,zero,18750		.2 -- load param (p1)
+  4:  0604260670	addiu a0,zero,18750		.2 -- push param
+  8:  0604569601	addiu t1,zero,1		.2 -- load param (p1)
+  c:  0604307457	addiu a1,zero,1		.2 -- push param
+ 10:  0201326599	jal 1c <bitCount+0x0>		.2 -- jump to <bitCount>
+ 14:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.2 -- Nop
+ 18:  4294967295	stop 		 -- End of programa
+		<bitCount>:
+ 1c:  0666763232	addiu sp,sp,-32		 -- prolog| push stack frame
+ 20:  0001962017	addu fp,zero,sp		 -- prolog|copy fp ← sp
+ 24:  2412773376	lw s0,fp,0		.0 -- load content from _V1 in s0
+ 28:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.0 -- Nop
+ 2c:  2948857856	sw a0,fp,0		.1 -- pop param
+ 30:  2412838916	lw s1,fp,4		.2 -- load content from _V2 in s1
+ 34:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.2 -- Nop
+ 38:  2948923396	sw a1,fp,4		.3 -- pop param
+ 3c:  0605159424	addiu s2,zero,0		.4 -- copy _V3 ← 0
+ 40:  2949775368	sw s2,fp,8		.5 -- store content of s2 in _V3
+ 44:  0605224960	addiu s3,zero,0		.6 -- copy _V4 ← 0
+ 48:  2949840908	sw s3,fp,12		.7 -- store content of s3 in _V4
+ 4c:  1007943681	lui s4,1		.8 -- load param upper(p1)
+ 50:  0915715956	ori s4,s4,46964		.8 -- load param lower(p1)
+ 54:  2949906448	sw s4,fp,16		.9 -- store content of s4 in _V5
+ 58:  2412773376	lw s0,fp,0		.10 -- load content from _V1 in s0
+ 5c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.10 -- Nop
+ 60:  0001091617	addu s5,zero,s0		.11 -- copy _V6 ← _V1
+ 64:  2949971988	sw s5,fp,20		.12 -- store content of s5 in _V6
+ 68:  0134217805	j 134 <bitCount+0x118>		.13 -- jump to bitCount+_i3
+ 6c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.13 -- Nop
+ 70:  0605421568	addiu s6,zero,0		.14 -- copy _V7 ← 0
+ 74:  2950037528	sw s6,fp,24		.15 -- store content of s6 in _V7
+ 78:  2413232144	lw s7,fp,16		.16 -- load content from _V5 in s7
+ 7c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.16 -- Nop
+ 80:  0001542177	addu s1,zero,s7		.17 -- copy _V8 ← _V5
+ 84:  2949709852	sw s1,fp,28		.18 -- store content of s1 in _V8
+ 88:  2412838940	lw s1,fp,28		.19 -- load content from _V8 in s1
+ 8c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.19 -- Nop
+ 90:  0035655715	subu v0,s1,zero		.20
+ 94:  0406847517	blez zero,v0,10c <bitCount+0xf0>		.20 -- branch if register <= 0
+ 98:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.20 -- Nop
+ 9c:  0134217788	j f0 <bitCount+0xd4>		.21 -- jump to bitCount+_i9
+ a0:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.21 -- Nop
+ a4:  2412904472	lw s2,fp,24		.22 -- load content from _V7 in s2
+ a8:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.22 -- Nop
+ ac:  0604831745	addiu t5,zero,1		.23 -- load param (p2)
+ b0:  0642908161	addiu s2,s2,1		.23 -- _V7 = _V7 + 1
+ b4:  2949775384	sw s2,fp,24		.24 -- store content of s2 in _V7
+ b8:  2412970012	lw s3,fp,28		.25 -- load content from _V8 in s3
+ bc:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.25 -- Nop
+ c0:  0604897281	addiu t6,zero,1		.26 -- load param (p2)
+ c4:  0644874239	addiu t7,s3,-1		.26 -- _T9 = _V8 - 1
+ c8:  2412970012	lw s3,fp,28		.27 -- load content from _V8 in s3
+ cc:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.27 -- Nop
+ d0:  0040867876	and s3,s3,t7		.28 -- _V8 = _V8 & _T9
+ d4:  2949840924	sw s3,fp,28		.29 -- store content of s3 in _V8
+ d8:  2412970012	lw s3,fp,28		.30 -- load content from _V8 in s3
+ dc:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.30 -- Nop
+ e0:  0375390211	bne zero,s3,f0 <bitCount+0xd4>		.31 -- branch if not equals
+ e4:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.31 -- Nop
+ e8:  0134217790	j f8 <bitCount+0xdc>		.32 -- jump to bitCount+_i7
+ ec:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.32 -- Nop
+ f0:  0134217769	j a4 <bitCount+0x88>		.33 -- jump to bitCount+_i6
+ f4:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.33 -- Nop
+ f8:  2413035528	lw s4,fp,8		.34 -- load content from _V3 in s4
+ fc:  2412773400	lw s0,fp,24		.35 -- load content from _V7 in s0
+100:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.35 -- Nop
+104:  0043032609	addu s4,s4,s0		.36 -- _V3 = _V3 + _V7
+108:  2949906440	sw s4,fp,8		.37 -- store content of s4 in _V3
+10c:  2413101072	lw s5,fp,16		.38 -- load content from _V5 in s5
+110:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.38 -- Nop
+114:  0604504077	addiu t0,zero,13		.39 -- load param (p2)
+118:  0649396237	addiu s5,s5,13		.39 -- _V5 = _V5 + 13
+11c:  2949971984	sw s5,fp,16		.40 -- store content of s5 in _V5
+120:  2413166612	lw s6,fp,20		.41 -- load content from _V6 in s6
+124:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.41 -- Nop
+128:  0604569601	addiu t1,zero,1		.42 -- load param (p2)
+12c:  0651558913	addiu s6,s6,1		.42 -- _V6 = _V6 + 1
+130:  2950037524	sw s6,fp,20		.43 -- store content of s6 in _V6
+134:  2413232128	lw s7,fp,0		.44 -- load content from _V1 in s7
+138:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.44 -- Nop
+13c:  0604639636	addiu t2,zero,4500		.45 -- load param (p2)
+140:  0652939668	addiu t3,s7,4500		.45 -- _T11 = _V1 + 4500
+144:  2412838932	lw s1,fp,20		.46 -- load content from _V6 in s1
+148:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.46 -- Nop
+14c:  0036376611	subu v0,s1,t3		.47
+150:  0071368647	bltz 00000,v0,70 <bitCount+0x54>		.47 -- branch if register < 0
+154:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.47 -- Nop
+158:  2412904452	lw s2,fp,4		.48 -- load content from _V2 in s2
+15c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.48 -- Nop
+160:  0001204257	addu t4,zero,s2		.49 -- copy _T12 ← _V2
+164:  0000813376	sll t5,t4,5		.50 -- _T13 = _T12 << 5
+168:  2412969996	lw s3,fp,12		.51 -- load content from _V4 in s3
+16c:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.51 -- Nop
+170:  0001273889	addu t6,zero,s3		.52 -- copy _T15 ← _V4
+174:  0028207137	addu t5,t5,t6		.53 -- _T13 = _T13 + _T15
+178:  0000882816	sll t7,t5,2		.54 -- _T19 = _T13 << 2
+17c:  2412773384	lw s0,fp,8		.55 -- load content from _V3 in s0
+180:  0000000000	sll zero,zero,0		.55 -- Nop
+184:  2918449152	sw s4,t7,0		.57 -- store content of s4 in _G21[_T19]
+188:  0666697760	addiu sp,sp,32		 -- epilog| pop stack frame
+18c:  0001962017	addu fp,zero,sp		 -- epilog| pop stack frame
+190:  0065011720	jr ra		 -- epilog| return	  T< store >	

+ 971 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,971 @@
+ * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
+ * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package targets.mips;
+import API.Utils;
+import common.Code;
+import common.DataLayout;
+import common.Instruction;
+import common.IvannosysTargetArch;
+import common.Offset;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+ * MipS tranSlation
+ *
+ */
+public class Translate extends API.TargetGen {
+    protected String[] registersKeys = "reg.p1,reg.p2".split(",");
+    protected ArrayList<String> returnRegisters;
+    protected HashMap<String, String> AddressCalculated = new HashMap<>();
+    protected HashMap<String, String> comments = new HashMap<String, String>() {
+        {
+            put("beq", "branch if equals");
+            put("bne", "branch if not equals");
+            put("blez", "branch if register <= 0");
+            put("bltz", "branch if register < 0");
+            put("bgez", "branch if register >= 0");
+            put("bgtz", "branch if register > 0");
+        }
+    };
+    protected HashMap<String, Boolean> ctrlDataUpdate = new HashMap<>();
+    public Translate() {
+        super("mips");
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void TranslateLabel(Instruction inst) throws Exception {
+        Add(new Instruction()
+                .Set("type", "label")
+                .Set("format", "norender")
+                .Set("label", inst.Get("label")));
+        getTarget().RegisterLabelAddress(inst.Get("label"));
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void TranslateCopy(Instruction inst) throws Exception {
+        Instruction c = Copy(inst, inst.Get("reg.dst"));
+        if (c != null) {
+            c.Set("comment", F("copy %s ← %s", inst.Get("dst"), inst.Get("p1")));
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void TranslateAssign(Instruction inst) throws Exception {
+        String instruction = Descriprion.InstructionByOperator(inst);
+        String rd = inst.Get("reg.dst"),
+                dst = inst.Get("dst"),
+                op = inst.Get("op"),
+                rs,
+                offset;
+        Instruction ninst = new Instruction(instruction);
+        switch (Descriprion.Codops.get(instruction).Get("type")) {
+            //addi, addiu, slti, sltiu
+            case "I":
+                ninst.Set("rt", rd);
+//                System.out.println("Assign:" + inst);
+//                LoadParam(inst, "p1,p2", true);
+                if (inst.eq("p2value", "true")) {
+//                    LoadParam(inst, "p1");
+//                    ninst.Set("offset", (op.equals("-") ? "-" : "") + inst.Get("p2"))
+//                            .Set("rs", inst.Get("reg.p1"));
+                    offset = inst.Get("p2");
+                    rs = inst.Get("reg.p1");
+                } else {
+                    offset = inst.Get("p1");
+                    rs = inst.Get("reg.p2");
+//                    LoadParam(inst, "p2");
+//                    ninst.Set("offset", inst.Get("p1"))
+//                            .Set("rs", inst.Get("reg.p2"));
+                }
+                ninst.Set("offset", (op.equals("-") ? "-" : "") + offset)
+                        .Set("rs", rs);
+                break;
+            // mult, divu, sgtu ,sltu 
+            // sra, srl, sll
+            case "R":
+                LoadParam(inst, "p1,p2", true);
+                //
+                if ("inst", "sll,srl,sra".split(","))) {
+                    rd = inst.Get("reg.dst");
+                    ninst.Set("sa", inst.Get("p2"))
+                            .Set("rt", inst.Get("reg.p1"));
+                } else {
+                    ninst.Set("rs", inst.Get("reg.p1"))
+                            .Set("rt", inst.Get("reg.p2"));
+                }
+                ninst.Set("rd", rd);
+//                System.out.println("inst["+rd+"]" + inst + ":" + ninst);
+                break;
+            default:
+                throw new Exception("Invalid instruction type");
+        }
+        Add(ninst).Set("comment", F(
+                "%s = %s %s %s",
+                dst,
+                inst.Get("p1"),
+                inst.Get("op"),
+                inst.Get("p2")
+        ));
+        // Verifica se a expr possui overflow
+        String overflow = Descriprion.Instruction(instruction).Get("overflow");
+        if (!overflow.equals("")) {
+            Add(new Instruction("R", overflow)
+                    .Set("rd", rd)
+            );
+        }
+//        StoreResult(inst, rd, dst);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void TranslateJump(Instruction inst) throws Exception {
+        Add(new Instruction("J", "j")
+                .copy("label", inst)
+                .Set("comment", F("jump to %s", inst.Get("label")))
+        );
+        Nop(false);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void TranslateCall(Instruction inst) throws Exception {
+//        allocation.registers.ResetArgs();
+        // Before load params
+        //        Copy(inst, returnRegisters.remove(2))
+//                .Set("IR.position", inst.Get("block.position"))
+//                .Set("comment", "push param");
+//        System.out.println("Call" + inst);
+        ResetReturnArgs();
+        Instruction retur;
+        LinkedList<Instruction> intructions = getIR().Block().Instructions();
+        int base = intructions.indexOf(inst);
+        for (int i = inst.GetInt("numParams"); i > 0; i--) {
+            retur = intructions.get(base - i);
+            Copy(retur, returnRegisters.remove(2))
+                    .Set("comment", "push param");
+        }
+        Add(new Instruction("J", "jal")
+                .Set("label", inst.Get("funcname"))
+                .Set("comment", F("jump to <%s>", inst.Get("funcname")))
+        );
+        // After store results
+        // Restaura o array de registradores de retorno para fazer o pop dos returns
+        ResetReturnArgs();
+        Nop(false);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void TranslateReturn(Instruction inst) throws Exception {
+        // Restaura o array de registradores de retorno
+        ResetReturnArgs();
+        Instruction retur;
+        LinkedList<Instruction> intructions = getIR().Block().Instructions();
+        int base = intructions.indexOf(inst);
+        for (int i = inst.GetInt("p1"); i > 0; i--) {
+            retur = intructions.get(base - i);
+//                System.out.println("Return:" + retur);
+            Copy(retur, returnRegisters.remove(0))
+                    .Set("comment", "push return ");
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void TranslatePopReturn(Instruction inst) throws Exception {
+        String p1 = inst.Get("p1"), reg = returnRegisters.remove(0);
+        // Se for uma variavel temporaria
+        if (p1.contains("_T")) {
+            CopyReg(reg, inst.Get("reg.p1"));
+        } else {
+            StoreWord(
+                    target.DEFAULT_WORD_TYPE,
+                    reg,
+                    FrameRegister(p1),
+                    Offset(p1)
+            );
+        }
+//            System.out.println("Translate pop return" + inst);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void TranslatePopParam(Instruction inst) throws Exception {
+        // todo - resetar args
+        System.out.println("PopParam:" + inst);
+        String dst = inst.Get("p1");
+        // O indice é 2 por conta dos dois primeiros registradores {v0, v1}
+//        System.out.println("PopParams:" + inst);
+        StoreWord(
+                target.DEFAULT_WORD_TYPE,
+                returnRegisters.remove(2),
+                FrameRegister(dst),
+                Offset(dst)
+        ).Set("comment", "pop param");
+//        System.out.println("POPpARAM:" + inst);
+//            LoadWord(inst.Get("reg.p1"), "fp", offset);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void TranslateBranch(Instruction inst) throws Exception {
+        String instruction = Descriprion.InstructionByOperator(inst);
+        LoadParam(inst, "p1,p2", true);
+        String rs = inst.Get("reg.p1"),
+                rt = inst.Get("reg.p2");
+        Instruction branch = Descriprion.Instruction(instruction);
+        switch (instruction) {
+            case "beq": // == {[inst]}' ' {[rt]},{[rs]},{immediate}
+            case "bne": // != 
+                branch.Set("rs", rs).Set("rt", rt);
+                break;
+            case "blez": // <= 0{[inst]}' ' {[rs]},{immediate}
+            case "bltz": // <  0
+            case "bgez": // >= 0
+            case "bgtz": // >  0
+                Add(new Instruction("R", "subu")// Rd <-- [Rs] - [Rt];
+                        .Set("rs", rs)
+                        .Set("rt", rt)
+                        .Set("rd", "v0")
+                        .Set("comment", "")
+                );
+                branch.Set("rs", "v0");
+                break;
+        }
+        Add(branch)
+                .Set("label", inst.Get("label"))
+                .Set("comment", comments.get(instruction));
+        Nop(false);
+    }
+    protected void Nop(Boolean checkDependence) throws Exception {
+        if (checkDependence) {
+            Instruction n = Next();
+            Integer dep = 0;
+            // Se existe uma proxima intrucao
+            if (n != null) {
+                String dst = currentIrInstruction.Get(
+                        currentIrInstruction.Has("reg.dst")
+                        ? "reg.dst" : "reg.p1"
+                );
+                for (String reg : registersKeys) {
+                    if (n.eq(reg, dst)) {
+                        dep++;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (dep == 0) {
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Add(Descriprion.Instruction("nop"));
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void Prolog(String id) throws Exception {
+        DataLayout data = Context();
+        // Adiciona o label
+        Add(new Instruction()
+                .Set("type", "label")
+                .Set("format", "label")
+                .Set("label", id)
+        );
+        // Aloca o espaco da pilha
+        Instruction alloc = Copy("sp", "sp", "-" + data.Size())
+                .Set("comment", "prolog| push stack frame");
+        if (!getTarget().Block().getName().equals("main")) {
+            // Restaura o fp
+            // Restaura o ra
+//            boolean call = getIR().Block().HasCall();
+            if (getIR().Block().HasCall()) {
+//                int newvars = 0;
+                for (String reg : new String[]{"fp", "ra"}) {
+                    data.Add(reg, "int32", 1);
+                    StoreWord(
+                            target.DEFAULT_WORD_TYPE,
+                            reg,
+                            "sp",
+                            data.Offset(reg)
+                    ).Set("comment", F("prolog| backup %s", reg));
+                }
+                alloc.Set("offset", (data.Size() - 0));
+            }
+        }
+        if (alloc.getInt("offset", 0) != 0) {
+            // Copia o sp para o fp
+            CopyReg("sp", "fp").Prepend("comment", "prolog|");
+            ResetReturnArgs();
+        } else {
+            getTarget().Block().Remove(alloc);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Encerra a chamada de uma funcao
+     *
+     * @param id
+     * @throws Exception
+     */
+    @Override
+    public void Epilog(String id) throws Exception {
+        DataLayout data = Context();
+        if (!getTarget().Block().getName().equals("main")) {
+            // Restaura o fp
+            // Restaura o ra
+            boolean call = getIR().Block().HasCall();
+            for (String reg : new String[]{"fp", "ra"}) {
+                if (call) {
+                    LoadWord(
+                            target.DEFAULT_WORD_TYPE,
+                            reg,
+                            "sp",
+                            data.Offset(reg)
+                    ).Set("comment", F("epilog| restore ", reg));
+                }
+            }
+            // Desaloca a pilha
+            Copy("sp", "sp", Long.valueOf(data.Size()).toString())
+                    .Set("comment", "epilog| pop stack frame");
+            CopyReg("sp", "fp")
+                    .Set("comment", "epilog| pop stack frame");
+            Add(new Instruction("jr")
+                    .Set("rs", "ra")
+                    .Set("comment", "epilog| return"));
+        } else {
+            Add(Descriprion.Instruction("stop").copy());
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void TranslateIndexedAssignment(Instruction inst) throws Exception {
+//        //Fase de leitura
+//        IndexedRead(inst);
+//        //Fase de atribuicao
+//        IndexedDest(inst);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void TranslateUnary(Instruction inst) throws Exception {
+        // Carrega o valor se nao esta em registrador
+//        System.out.println("Translate Unary:" + inst);
+        switch (inst.Get("op")) {
+            case "-": // Retorna o valor negado 10 -> -10
+                Add(new Instruction("subu")// Rd <-- [Rs] - [Rt];
+                        .Set("rd", inst.Get("reg.dst"))
+                        .Set("rs", "zero")
+                        .Set("rt", inst.Get("reg.p1"))
+                        .Set("comment", "negation arith")
+                );
+                break;
+            case "!": // XOR ( 0 1 -> 1) XOR( 1 1 -> 0)
+                Add(new Instruction("xori") // Rt <-- [Rs] AND (016 || [I15..0]); ;
+                        .Set("rt", inst.Get("reg.dst"))
+                        .Set("rs", inst.Get("reg.p1"))
+                        .Set("offset", "1")
+                        .Set("comment", "negation bool")
+                );
+                break;
+//            case "*": // Copia do conteudo do ponteiro
+//            case "&":  // Copia do endereco da variavel
+//                break;//            case "*": // Copia do conteudo do ponteiro
+//            case "&":  // Copia do endereco da variavel
+//                break;//            case "*": // Copia do conteudo do ponteiro
+//            case "&":  // Copia do endereco da variavel
+//                break;//            case "*": // Copia do conteudo do ponteiro
+//            case "&":  // Copia do endereco da variavel
+//                break;//            case "*": // Copia do conteudo do ponteiro
+//            case "&":  // Copia do endereco da variavel
+//                break;//            case "*": // Copia do conteudo do ponteiro
+//            case "&":  // Copia do endereco da variavel
+//                break;//            case "*": // Copia do conteudo do ponteiro
+//            case "&":  // Copia do endereco da variavel
+//                break;//            case "*": // Copia do conteudo do ponteiro
+//            case "&":  // Copia do endereco da variavel
+//                break;
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void TranslateLoad(Instruction inst) throws Exception {
+        if (inst.eq("block.position", "12")) {
+            System.out.println("Translate load:" + inst);
+        }
+        String addr = inst.Get("p1"),
+                rd = inst.Get("reg.dst");
+        String rs = inst.Has("reg.p1.indice")
+                ? inst.Get("reg.p1.indice") : FrameRegister(addr);
+        Instruction lw = LoadWord(
+                target.DEFAULT_WORD_TYPE,
+                rd,
+                rs,
+                Offset(addr)
+        ).Set("comment", F("load content from %s in %s", addr, rd));
+        if (inst.eq("block.position", "12")) {
+            System.out.println("Translate load >> :" + lw);
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void TranslateStore(Instruction inst) throws Exception {
+//        System.out.println("Translate store>> :" + inst);
+//        // Carrega o parametro p1 se constante
+//        // Caso a constante seja 0 a instrução não carrega o valor e atualiza o registrador fonte para zero
+//        LoadParam(inst, "p1", true);
+//        String addr = inst.Get("dst"),
+//                rt = inst.Get("reg.dst");
+//        String rs = inst.Has("reg.dst.indice")
+//                ? inst.Get("reg.dst.indice") : FrameRegister(addr);
+//        StoreWord(
+//                target.DEFAULT_WORD_TYPE,
+//                rt,
+//                rs,
+//                Offset(addr)
+//        ).Set("comment", F("store content of %s in %s", rt, addr));
+        // Carrega o parametro p1 se constante
+        // Caso a constante seja 0 a instrução não carrega o valor e atualiza o registrador fonte para zero
+        LoadParam(inst, "p1", true);
+        String addr = inst.Get("dst"),
+                rt = inst.Get("reg.p1");
+        String rs = inst.Has("reg.dst.indice")
+                ? inst.Get("reg.dst.indice") : FrameRegister(addr);
+        StoreWord(
+                target.DEFAULT_WORD_TYPE,
+                rt,
+                rs,
+                Offset(addr)
+        ).Set("comment", F("store content of %s in %s", rt, addr));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Traducao de intrucoeS do tipo
+     *
+     * - x = &a - copia do endereco de uma varaivel <br>
+     * - x = *b - x recebe o conteudo da variavel referenciada por b<br>
+     * - *x = y - conpia o conteudo de y para o endereco armazenado em x
+     *
+     * @param inst
+     * @throws Exception
+     */
+    @Override
+    public void TranslatePointerAssignment(Instruction inst) throws Exception {
+        String p1 = inst.Get("p1"),
+                dst = inst.Get("dst"),
+                regdst = inst.Get("reg.dst"),
+                regp1 = inst.Get("reg.p1");
+        switch (inst.Get("op")) {
+            case "&": // Lendo o endereco de um ponteiro
+                Copy(regp1,
+                        FrameRegister(p1),
+                        Offset(p1)
+                ).Set("comment", F("copy address of ", p1));
+                System.out.println("PointerAssi&:" + inst);
+                // Se nao fez o store
+//                if (StoreResult(inst, regp1, dst) == null) {
+//                    CopyReg(regp1, regdst);
+//                            .Set("comment", "store content of " + regdst + " in " + dst);
+//                }
+                break;
+            case "*": // Lendo o conteudo de um ponteiro
+                /**
+                 * Carrega o valor contido no ponteiro<br>
+                 * Utiliza o valor como endereço em um segundo load que carrega
+                 * o dado<br>
+                 * lw ${p1},12($fp)<br>
+                 * lw ${dst},0(${p1}) $s<br>
+                 */
+                LoadWord(
+                        target.DEFAULT_WORD_TYPE,
+                        regp1,
+                        FrameRegister(p1),
+                        Offset(p1)
+                ).Set("comment", F("load address stored in %s", p1));
+                LoadWord(
+                        target.DEFAULT_WORD_TYPE,
+                        regdst,
+                        regp1,
+                        "0"
+                ).Set("comment", F("load content of address stored in %s", regp1));
+                /*Se for a ultima operacao de escrita nessa variavel salva em memoria*/
+//                Instruction store = StoreResult(inst, regdst, dst);
+//                if (store != null) {
+//                    store.Set("comment", "store content of " + regdst + " in " + dst);
+//                }
+                break;
+            default: // Atribuicao a um ponteiro
+                LoadParam(inst, "p1,p2", true);
+                /**
+                 * Carrega o valor dentro do endereco do ponteiro <br>
+                 * lw ${p1},12(${fp|gp})<br>
+                 * lw ${dst},0(${p1}) $s<br>
+                 * conteudo da variavel referenciada
+                 */
+                LoadWord(
+                        target.DEFAULT_WORD_TYPE,
+                        regdst,
+                        FrameRegister(dst),
+                        Offset(dst)
+                ).Set("comment", F("load address stored in %s", dst));
+                // Grava o valor do registrador na memoria
+                StoreWord(
+                        target.DEFAULT_WORD_TYPE,
+                        regp1,
+                        regdst,
+                        "0"
+                ).Set("comment", F("store content of %s in *%s", regp1, dst));
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void TranslatePushReturn(Instruction inst) {
+        // Tratado no metodo 'TranslateReturn'
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void TranslatePushParam(Instruction inst) {
+        // Tratado no metodo 'TranslateCall'
+    }
+    @Override
+    public IvannosysTargetArch Init(Code tac) throws Exception {
+        this.IR = tac;
+        getTarget()
+                .setAddressIncrement(4)
+                .Template(new MipsTemplateDescription());
+        return this;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Criar uma inStrucao que copia o valor ou conteudo do regiStrador para o
+     * regiStrador 'r'
+     *
+     * @param inst
+     * @param rt
+     * @return
+     */
+    protected Instruction Copy(Instruction inst, String rt) throws Exception {
+        Instruction c = null;
+        LoadParam(inst, "p1", false);
+        if (inst.eq("load.large.constante", "true")) {
+            System.out.println("COPY LARGE:" + currentTargetInstruction);
+        } else {
+            if (inst.IsValue("p1")) {
+                // andi Rt,Rs,immediate | Rt <-- [Rs] + ([I15]16 || [I15..0]);
+                c = Copy(rt, "zero", inst.Get("p1"));
+            } else {
+                // addu Rd,Rs,Rt | Rd <-- [Rs] + [Rt];
+                c = CopyReg(inst.Get("reg.p1"), rt);
+            }
+        }
+        return c;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param inst
+     * @return
+     */
+    protected Instruction LoadParam(Instruction inst, String params, boolean copy) throws Exception {
+        return LoadParam(inst, params.split(","), copy);
+    }
+    protected Instruction LoadParam(Instruction inst, String[] params, boolean copy) throws Exception {
+        String offset, bin, reg, r;
+//        boolean loaded = false;
+        Long value;
+        Integer lower, upper;
+        Instruction loaded = null;
+        for (String param : params) {
+            if (inst.IsValue(param) && inst.Has("reg." + param)) {
+//                loaded = true;
+                offset = inst.Get(param);
+                value = Long.parseLong(offset);
+                bin = Utils.Pad(32, Long.toBinaryString(value));
+//                System.out.println("bin:"
+//                        + "\n" + bin
+//                        + "\n" + offset
+//                        + "\n" + Long.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(bin.substring(0, 16), 2))
+//                        + "\n" + Long.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(bin.substring(16), 2)));
+                if (bin.substring(0, 16).contains("1")) {
+                    upper = Integer.parseInt(bin.substring(0, 16), 2);
+                    lower = Integer.parseInt(bin.substring(16), 2);
+                    inst.Set("load.large.constante", "true");
+//                    System.out.println("Load param:" + inst);
+//                    r = inst.Get("reg.dst");
+                    r = inst.Get("reg." + param);
+//                    System.out.println("upper:" + upper);
+                    //clui $s0, upper(big)
+                    Add(Descriprion.Instruction("lui"))
+                            .Set("rt", r)
+                            .Set("offset", upper)
+                            .Set("comment", "load param upper(" + param + ")");
+                    //ori $s0, $s0, lower(big)
+                    loaded = Add(Descriprion.Instruction("ori"))
+                            .Set("rs", r)
+                            .Set("rt", r)
+                            .Set("offset", lower)
+                            .Set("comment", "load param lower(" + param + ")");
+                } else if (copy) {
+                    reg = "reg." + param;
+                    r = inst.Get(reg);
+                    if (offset.equals("0")) {
+                        inst.Set(reg, "zero");
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    loaded = Copy(r, "zero", offset).Set("comment", "load param (" + param + ")");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+//        for (String param : params) {
+//            if (inst.IsValue(param) && inst.Has("reg." + param)) {
+//                offset = inst.Get(param);
+//                if (offset.equals("0")) {
+//                    inst.Set("reg." + param, "zero");
+//                    continue;
+//                }
+//                Copy(inst.Get("reg." + param), "zero", offset);
+//            }
+//        }
+//        return loaded;
+        return loaded;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Copia o valor do regiStrador Src para o dSt
+     *
+     * @param src
+     *
+     * @param dst
+     * @return
+     */
+    protected Instruction CopyReg(String src, String dst) throws Exception {
+        return Add(new Instruction("addu")
+                .Set("rs", "zero")
+                .Set("rt", src)
+                .Set("rd", dst)
+                .Set("comment", F("copy %s ← %s", dst, src)));
+    }
+    protected Instruction Copy(String rt, String rs, Offset offset) throws Exception {
+        return Copy(rt, rs, "" + offset);
+    }
+    protected Instruction Copy(String rt, String rs, String offset) throws Exception {
+        return Add(new Instruction("addiu") // lw $rt, imm($rs)
+                .Set("rt", rt)
+                .Set("rs", rs)
+                .Set("offset", offset)
+                .Set("comment", F("copy %s ← %s", rs, rt))
+        );
+    }
+    protected Instruction StoreWord(String type, String rt, String rs, Offset offset) throws Exception {
+        Instruction n = Next();
+        String inst;
+        switch (type) {
+            case "byte":
+            case "int8":
+            case "uint8":
+            case "bool":
+                inst = "sb"; // Load byte
+                break;
+            case "int16":
+            case "uint16":
+                inst = "sh"; //Load half
+                break;
+            default:
+                inst = "sw"; // Load word
+        }
+        Instruction sw = Add(new Instruction(inst)
+                .Set("rt", rt)
+                .Set("rs", rs)
+                .Set("offset", offset.getAddress() + offset.getShift()));
+        return sw;
+    }
+    protected Instruction StoreWord(String type, String rt, String rs, String offset) throws Exception {
+        return StoreWord(type, rt, rs, new Offset(Long.parseLong(offset), 0L));
+    }
+    protected Instruction LoadWord(String type, String rt, String rs, Offset offset) throws Exception {
+        Instruction n = Next();
+        String inst;
+        switch (type) {
+            case "byte":
+            case "int8":
+            case "uint8":
+            case "bool":
+//                LB -- Load byte 8 bits
+//                Operation:$t = MEM[$s + offset]; advance_pc (4);
+//                Syntax: lb $t, offset($s)
+//                Offset é o endereço base da variavel
+//                Shift é o byte a ser lido
+                inst = "lb";
+                break;
+            case "int16":
+            case "uint16":
+//                LW -- Load half 16 bits
+//                Operation:$t = MEM[$s + offset]; advance_pc (4);
+//                Syntax: lw $t, offset($s) 
+                inst = "lh";
+                break;
+            default:
+//                LW -- Load word 32 bits
+//                Operation:$t = MEM[$s + offset]; advance_pc (4);
+//                Syntax: lw $t, offset($s)
+                inst = "lw"; // Load word
+        }
+        Instruction lw = Add(new Instruction(inst) // lw $rt, imm($rs)
+                .Set("rt", rt)
+                .Set("rs", rs)
+                .Set("offset", offset.getAddress() + offset.getShift())
+        );
+        Nop(true);
+        return lw;
+    }
+    protected Instruction LoadWord(String type, String rt, String rs, String offset) throws Exception {
+        return LoadWord(type, rt, rs, new Offset(Long.parseLong(offset), 0L));
+    }
+    @Override
+    protected Instruction Add(Instruction inst) throws Exception {
+        if (!inst.eq("type", "label")) {
+            getTarget().PositionInc();
+            Instruction definiction = Descriprion.Instruction(inst.Get("inst"));
+            inst.Merge("sa,type,inst,codop,func,format", definiction);
+        }
+        if (currentIrInstruction != null) {
+            inst.Set("inloop", currentIrInstruction.Get("inloop"));
+        }
+//        System.out.println("Add:" + inst);
+        return super.Add(inst); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
+    }
+    protected String FrameRegister(String var) {
+        return var.contains("_G") ? "gp" : "fp";
+    }
+    private void ResetReturnArgs() {
+        returnRegisters = new ArrayList<String>() {
+            {
+                add("v0");
+                add("v1");
+                add("a0");
+                add("a1");
+                add("a2");
+                add("a3");
+            }
+        };
+    }
+//    protected void IndexedRead(Instruction inst) throws Exception {
+//        // Se a fonte é indexada
+//        if (inst.eq("src_indexed", "true")) {
+//            try {
+//                String p1 = inst.Get("p1"),
+//                        rt = inst.Get("reg.p1"),
+//                        rs = FrameRegister(p1);
+////            System.out.println("Indexed read:" + inst);
+//                if (!inst.isNumber("p1.indice")) {
+//                    String rd = inst.Get("reg.p1.indice");
+//                    if (!AddressCalculated.containsKey(p1)) {
+//                        Add(new Instruction("addu")
+//                                .Set("rd", rd)
+//                                .Set("rs", rs)
+//                                .Set("rt", rd));
+//                        AddressCalculated.put(p1, rs);
+//                    }
+//                    rs = rd;
+//                }
+//                // Carrega o conteudo enderecado em rt para rt
+//                LoadWord(
+//                        target.DEFAULT_WORD_TYPE,
+//                        rt,
+//                        rs,
+//                        Offset(p1)
+//                );
+//            } catch (Exception ex) {
+//                Logger.getLogger(Translate.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+//            }
+//        } else {
+//            // Se não é indexada carrega o parametro normalmente
+//            LoadParam(inst);
+//        }
+//    }
+//    /**
+//     * FaSe de atribuicao
+//     *
+//     * @param inst
+//     */
+//    protected void IndexedDest(Instruction inst) throws Exception {
+////        System.out.println("Indexeds:" + inst);
+//        String regp1 = inst.Get("reg.p1"),
+//                regdst = inst.Get("reg.dst");
+//        // Valor atribuido é indexado
+//        // 1 - Verificar se deve ser armazenado ou copiado
+////        boolean dstIndexed = inst.eq("dst.indexed", "true");
+//        if (inst.eq("dst.indexed", "true")) {
+////        if (dstIndexed || inst.eq("", "true")) {
+//            // deve ser armazenado
+//            String dst = inst.Get("dst"),
+//                    rs = FrameRegister(dst);
+////                if (dstIndexed) {
+//            if (!inst.isNumber("dst.indice")) {
+//                // Offset agora deve ser 0 pois o registrador conterá o endereco completo
+////                    offset = 0;
+//                String rd = inst.Get("reg.dst.indice");
+//                if (!AddressCalculated.containsKey(dst)) {
+//                    Add(new Instruction("addu")
+//                            .Set("rd", rd)
+//                            .Set("rs", rs)
+//                            .Set("rt", rd)
+//                    );
+//                    AddressCalculated.put(dst, rs);
+//                }
+//                rs = rd;
+//            }
+////            comment = "store in loaded address";
+////                } else {
+////                    comment = "store in " + dst;
+////                }//            System.out.println("Inst:" + inst);
+//            StoreWord(
+//                    target.DEFAULT_WORD_TYPE,
+//                    regp1,
+//                    rs,
+//                    Offset(dst)
+//            ).Set("comment", F("store content of %s in %s", rs, dst));
+//        } else { // deve ser copiado
+//            CopyReg(regp1, regdst);
+//        }
+//    }
+//    public void CopyData(LinkedHashMap<String, Node> dst, LinkedHashMap<String, Node> src) throws Exception {
+//    public void CopyData(DataLayout dst, DataLayout src) throws Exception {
+//        Node value;
+//        LinkedHashMap<String, Node> svalues = src.values(),
+//                dvalues = dst.values();
+//        for (Map.Entry<String, Node> x : svalues.entrySet()) {
+//            value = x.getValue().copy();
+//            value.S("size", value.GetInt("size") * WORD_INC);
+////            System.out.println("Copy:[" + x.getKey() + "][" + value.Get("id") + "]" + value.Get("size") + "\n" + value);
+////            dvalues.put(x.getKey(), value);
+//            dst.Set(x.getKey(), value);
+//        }
+//    }